The Beta-Rho Chapter was re-installed at the University of Iowa on March 29, 2014. Ritual teams from the Alpha-Psi (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Beta-Mu (University Minnesota-Twin Cities), Pi-Eta (Missouri Southern State University), Xi-Xi (Marquette University) and Rho-Alpha (University of Pittsburgh-Bradford) chapters initiated 56 men. WGM Hugh M. Robert (Epsilon-Mu, University of Tulsa, ’95) keynoted the installation banquet.
The chapter is led by Grand Master John J. Marisie, Jr.,  with Brother Garrett A. Dozark (Alpha-Psi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ’90) serving as alumnus advisor. The Beta-Rho Chapter is located in the Nebraska/Iowa District where Brother Lawrence E. Kritenbrink (Alpha-Psi University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ’75) serves as District Grand Master.
The Beta-Rho Chapter was originally founded in 1902 and had been dormant since 2003 prior to re-colonizing at the University of Iowa on October 9, 2012. The chapter has initiated a total of 782 brothers since its 1902 founding.
Letters of congratulations may be sent to:
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Beta-Rho Chapter
John J. Marisie Jr.
Grand Master
417 S Gilbert St Apt 2334
Iowa City, IA 52240