After more than 80 years, Kappa Sigma has returned to Harvard University after 29 men were pledged in to the Gamma-Eta Colony on Feb. 9, 2014.
The Gamma-Eta Chapter was originally founded on June 24, 1905. In 1933, in response to actions taken by the university, the chapter voluntarily dissolved its status and returned its charter to Kappa Sigma International Headquarters. During its 28 years at the university, Gamma-Eta produced several notable Alumni, including: Brother Bradford Cannon, a 1927 initiate and the first chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital; Brother Lyman B. Smith, a 1922 initiate, renowned botanist and “the father of bromeliad studies;” and Brother Robert E. Fulton Jr., a 1928 initiate and renowned inventor with more than 70 patents, including the Skyhook areal rescue system used by the C.I.A. during the Cold War.
The Colony is be lead by  GM Pieter Zenner, with the support of Landon Lemoine (Xi-Beta, Northeastern University, ’09) as Alumnus Advisor and several local Alumni Volunteers. Special thanks to Northeast Recruitment Manager Kyle DeVivo for supporting the interest group as it organized to become a colony. Please visit the Gamma-Eta Colony’s Facebook page and congratulate these men.