March 9, 2015
Brother Hugh M. Robert
Worthy Grand Master
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Dear Brother Robert:
I write this letter to the Supreme Executive Committee pursuant to Art. IX, Sec. 9, Sub-section 8 of the Constitution of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. The members elected to the 2015 Nominating Committee for the Kappa Sigma Fraternity met in New Orleans on March 7, 2015. Members were present consisting of Past Worthy Grand Treasurer Philip L. Thames; Brothers in Action Commissioner Adam J. Merillat; Operations Commission Thomas J. Kelly; DGM-Maryland/Delaware Brolin D. Walters; DGM-North Georgia Terry L. Thompson; DGM-Northern Ohio Daniel J. Tierney; DGM-Northwest Texas Nicholas A. Gallicchio; DGM-Desert Southwest Burt R. Trembly; Undergraduate Advisory Committee Delegate Area 3 Hunter G. Surles; Undergraduate Committee Delegate Area 4 Kalvin B. Wiar; Worthy Grand Treasurer Adam S. Apatoff; Worthy Grand Master Hugh M. Robert and myself.
The committee received the nominations of five Brothers for consideration for election at the 2015 Conclave for the positions of WGM, WGP, WGMC and WGT. There was a thorough discussion and exchange of views by the members of the committee. All recognized the outstanding qualities of each nominee. It is through the devoted volunteer service demonstrated over the years by the nominees that Kappa Sigma increases its strength within itself as an Order, and enhances its recognition throughout the fraternity world.
The committee carefully evaluated each nominee in light of the demands of each office. The committee unanimously recommends the following slate to the 70th Biennial Grand Conclave:
Worthy Grand Master – Derek L. Marchman
Worthy Grand Procurator – Toby H. Taylor
Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies – Justin A. Hansen
Worthy Grand Treasurer –  Ronal K. Holsey, Jr.       
Brother Jeffrey S. McKenzie will continue through the 2015-2017 Biennium in the office of Worthy Grand Scribe.
The Nominating Committee greatly appreciates the honor of being called by the Kappa Sigma Fraternity to this service.
Donal L. McClamroch, Jr.
Past Worthy Grand Master
2015 Nominating Committee Chairman
cc:        Mitchell B. Wilson, Executive Director, Kappa Sigma Fraternity