Kevin S. Kaplan

Inducted on July 25, 2015

Brother Kaplan is a December 7, 1982 initiate of the Theta-Zeta Chapter at Eastern New Mexico University and served as our Worthy Grand Master for 2003-2005. He forever changed Kappa Sigma in 2003 by creating the Champion Quest program . . . A program that not only led us to the top but has placed us in a position where we have reached the pinnacle of more than 20,000 undergraduate brothers in a given year.

Brother Kaplan not only developed Kappa Sigma’s modern-day vision for recruitment, but also focused our fraternity on the initiatives that our chapters focus on each day for A Greater Cause, where we serve our fellow man, and our Brothers In Action initiative, which develops and builds our brothers and pledges leadership skills. He has been instrumental in the development of countless brothers from his chapter and to many other volunteers.