Stephen Alonzo Jackson

Inducted on August 2, 2003

Brother Stephen Alonzo Jackson remains the most significant initiate in the history of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Brother Jackson was the architect of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and was responsible for the creation of the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules, the Ritual of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, and the early expansion of Kappa Sigma to chapters which formed the foundation of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity in its infancy.

On an Autumn night in 1872, the man who almost singlehandedly transformed a struggling local fraternity into a strong national brotherhood was initiated into the Zeta Chapter at the University of Virginia. Six years later, he would deliver his famous Apples of Gold speech which provided a ritual that unified all Brothers and established a fraternal focus and bond that continues to this day. Brother Jackson’s most famous quote, “May we not rest contentedly until the Star and Crescent is the pride of every college and university throughout the land” has resonated with Brothers of Kappa Sigma Fraternity through 15 decades. Brother Jackson joined the Chapter Celestial on March 4, 1892. During his adult years, Brother Jackson’s love and devotion was focused on the development of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and wholeheartedly committed himself to its success and growth as a leading college fraternity. Brother Jackson is known by all Kappa Sigmas as “the Golden Hearted Virginian.” His teachings were the foundation upon which Kappa Sigma’s success as a college fraternity has been built.