A Greater Cause



Kappa Sigma is committed to making a difference in the lives of others. It is this commitment that has provided the inspiration and vision for A Greater Cause – the Fraternity’s bold initiative to promote volunteerism, citizenship, and service to the community. Over the past decade, the A Greater Cause program has seen our chapters raise nearly $22 million for philanthropic causes while our members have donated more than 4.7 million hours of community service.


Brothers of the Upsilon-Mu Chapter at the City College of New York participating in their Bald Bros Against Cancer event to raise money for the St. Baldricks Foundation

Kappa Sigma encourages our chapters and colonies to give to a variety of organizations. Our members support their campus organizations, local charities, social justice initiatives, and major national charitable causes.

In addition to our members supporting efforts in their communities, Kappa Sigma has several major programs related to A Greater Cause which our members are encouraged to give special support.


The Military Heroes Campaign was launched in 2007. It’s mission then and now remains to give back to those who serve our country. Over the past decade, the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign has raised more than $1.67 million to support its various beneficiaries and veterans charities.

The Military Heroes Campaign is primarily funded by Kappa Sigma undergraduate chapters and their alumni through their philanthropic fundraising efforts. The funds are aggregated through the national campaign so that significant donations can be made to charities verified to be 100% veteran-focused. As a result, 100% of funds generated by the Military Heroes Campaign go to support veterans.

Find more about the Military Heroes Campaign HERE


Founded in 1919 by Brothers of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund is the oldest college fraternity Foundation and has awarded nearly $5 million to deserving Kappa Sigma undergraduates across the United States and Canada. The Endowment Fund exists “to support the charitable and beneficent purposes of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity” and is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt foundation. The Endowment Fund provides essential support for the Fraternity’s top educational and leadership priorities.

Learn more about the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund HERE


While philanthropic donations are an important part of our A Greater Cause program, it is important to remember that volunteering our time is just as important as giving our treasure. Kappa Sigma alumni also donate their time to the equally important cause of supporting our undergraduate chapters in the roles of Alumni Volunteers. Kappa Sigma is an alumni-driven organization, and volunteer alumni are directly involved in coaching and mentoring our undergraduates at the local level like never before.

At the 72nd Biennial Grand Conclave in Charlottesville, Kappa Sigma set the goal of having the largest and best-trained volunteer corps to help support our chapters. Kappa Sigma launched its iPledge program to help further these fraternal goals. iPledge asks our members to commit to doing five simple things to support our undergraduates:

  • Become a Kappa Sigma volunteer
  • Mentor an undergraduate
  • Pay their alumni dues
  • Follow Kappa Sigma on all social media platforms
  • Become One of Jackson’s Men within five years

Alumni who have not done so are asked to please take the iPledge commitment today!

Sign the iPledge Commitment