Advertise in the Caduceus

Advertising Production Specs and Pricing

Published continuously since 1885, The Caduceus is the official magazine of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, one of the largest and fastest-growing men’s college fraternities in North America.

With a quarterly circulation of more than 199,000, The Caduceus strives to maintain the highest level of editorial excellence in covering the Fraternity’s pursuit of excellence in its four cornerstone principles: Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service.

Each issue of the full-color magazine includes feature articles and personality profiles, news, events, rankings and progress reports on Fraternity programs. Its loyal readership includes undergraduate chapter and colony members, alumni, volunteer officers, Greek advisors, university administrators, friends, and family.

From cover stories about famous alumni, such as Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue (Spring 2006) and legendary journalist Edward R. Murrow (Summer 2006), to highlights of “A Greater Cause” community service projects, to chapter best practices in Kappa Sigma’s “Champion Quest” and “Brothers In Action” recruitment and membership development initiatives, The Caduceus provides value-added news in a digestible, reader-friendly format.

Editorial departments and sections include: Worthy Grand Master’s Letter, Commission Briefings, Volunteer Spotlight, Brothers in Service, News From the Endowment Fund, Alumni Updates, Chapter News and Events, and Chapter Celestials.

View past issues of The Caduceus

Advertising Guidelines

All advertisements should be of a generally positive nature and compliment the editorial content of The Caduceus. No submissions will be accepted from any providers of products or services related to the following topics: alcoholic beverages or tobacco; gambling; racially, religiously or gender prejudiced subject matter; sexual performance/enhancement; any social event or other gathering that could potentially result in a Kappa Sigma Code of Conduct violation; nor any subject matter judged to be in poor taste and/or inappropriate for publication by the Communication Commission or Supreme Executive Committee of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Advertising content bearing Kappa Sigma insignia or emblems will only be accepted from companies pre-certified as approved licensed vendors. No ads will be published where the primary subject matter is of a personal nature, concerning a single member or individual. Advertisements from local Kappa Sigma chapters and/or districts may be accepted, where appropriate (e.g. to promote a charity golf outing open to alumni, or attendance at a district conclave, etc.)


Production Specifications

All artwork should be submitted as production-ready, 300 dpi or greater resolution, JPEG, TIFF or Bitmap files. Arrangements may also be made for assistance with graphic design and artwork creation, at additional cost. Contact the Caduceus Deputy Commissioner for further information.


Chad Gebhardt

Chief Administrative Officer

Kappa Sigma Fraternity

[email protected]

The advertiser acknowledges that acceptance, content, and placement of all submitted advertising is at the discretion of the editor of The Caduceus and officers and staff of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. The Fraternity reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising for any reason, or to limit the advertising content in any edition without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted. All copy and illustrations will be published with the understanding that the advertiser has secured the properly written consents for the use of names, pictures, and testimonials of any person alive or dead and that The Caduceus and Kappa Sigma Fraternity are hereby fully authorized to publish and to cause publication of such material. The advertiser hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless The Caduceus, Kappa Sigma Fraternity and the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund, and their officers, agents, and employees, against expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publication of the contents of the advertising including, without limitation, claims or suits for defamation, violations of right of privacy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism. The Caduceus and Kappa Sigma Fraternity assume no responsibility for the performance of advertised products and for delivery of the same.