The Alumni and Undergraduate Brothers have also shown their love and commitment to the Order through their gifts to the Endowment Fund of the Fraternity in providing support for scholarship and educational programs. Worthy Grand Master Adam Merillat also announced at the Grand Conclave that the Fraternity and Endowment Fund would implement a new initiative on the Founder’s Day weekend for the 5 Campaign. This Campaign focused on the challenge for Brothers who were One of Jackson’s Men to upgrade their Jackson’s Men commitment to the next level. The result was overwhelming and resulted in the most successful weekend campaign in the history of the Fraternity. 581 men stepped forward to meet the challenge to raise
$1,382,054 in commitments and gifts.

The success of the fundraising efforts continued on the weekend of March 4, 2022, with the 7th Annual Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving. Over the course of the three-day weekend, undergraduate and alumni ambassadors reached out across North America to Undergraduate and Alumni Brothers to raise funds for the Chapter Scholarship Funds for Kappa Sigma Chapters. The result was $726,115 raised from 14,576 Brothers. In the last two years combined for the Jackson Weekend of Giving, the Endowment Fund has benefitted from the generosity and love of the Order to raise $2,054,133. These funds will recognize the Undergraduate Brothers who excel in the classroom and who serve in leadership positions in the Chapter and on their respective campuses. These gifts also support future generations of the Kappa Sigma Brothers.

On Founder’s Day December 10, 2021, the Endowment Fund awarded 592 Scholarships to Brothers who distinguished themselves in scholarship and leadership for their Chapter. It was the largest number of Scholarships presented in a single year. This is a direct result of the growth in Chapter Scholarship Funds. 

Probably the most impressive part of these efforts is that Alumni and Undergraduate Brothers alike are recognizing the value of their Kappa Sigma experience and the positive impact the Fraternity has made in their lives. The future is bright for Kappa Sigma with such commitment.