
Charlottesville, VA – The Kappa Sigma Fraternity announced today that it has launched its annual drive to invite graduating seniors to join the Kappa Sigma Alumni Association. Membership in the Kappa Sigma Fraternity is a lifelong commitment and graduating seniors enjoy lifelong benefits to go along with the obligation.
Recent alumni and graduating seniors are invited to join the Alumni Association for only $25 per year. To donate, brothers should visit the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund donation page at http://www.kappasigmadonate.org.
“Our strength in our union lies in a lifelong commitment. Kappa Sigma is for Life. I encourage all of my brothers to join the Kappa Sigma Alumni Association today,” said Worthy Grand Master Derek Marchman.
Half of all alumni dues donations will go directly to the donors Chapter Scholarship Fund, which provides Scholarship-Leadership Awards for undergraduates from his chapter.
Additionally, chapters with 100% participation of graduating seniors in the Alumni Association membership drive will help their chapter earn 5 bonus points towards the Founder’s Award for Chapter Excellence (FACE).

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