Brothers In Action

Kappa Sigma does Brotherhood better than any other organization on the planet, and Brothers in Action is a Brotherhood program unlike any other. Brothers in Action reminds us all that Brotherhood is a cornerstone of life as a Kappa Sigma, and while we have a number of priorities throughout our college careers, we should always remember to take time to be Brothers.

Pi-Iota Chapter at California State University, Chico

The Mountain Weekend

A successful Brothers in Action event should be one that allows Brothers to put aside the stress and responsibilities of college life, and come together to spend time as Brothers. Collectively, Brothers should celebrate the successes of their Chapter, and also take time to appreciate the gift of Kappa Sigma Brotherhood. One such event is the Mountain Weekend, the event is simple: the Brothers head to a cabin for a weekend of fellowship. This event will quickly become an event that all Brothers look forward to each year.

Finding Fellowship in Service

Sometimes the best Brothers in Action events are the ones where Service is at the core. The Brothers of the Delta-Chi Chapter at Mississippi State University have found success in combining Fellowship with Service. Seen above working with the (Re)claimed project.