T.C. Miller
Epsilon-Psi Chapter (Lambuth University) ’99
Staff Sergeant, United States Army

A Vision Of Freedom

While each individual’s vision of freedom may vary, the most important aspect of freedom in America is opportunity. Opportunity is defined as “a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.” Opportunity is not an outcome or guarantor of success and is dependent upon one’s own initiative. It is up to each person to see opportunity and to seize it.

Freedom At It’s Core

In America you are free to succeed, but you are also free to fail. There can be no success without failure. There can be no reward without risk. As a society, we must be allowed to fail if we truly appreciate success. We respect those who take risks and excel in the face of danger. We especially respect those who fail and pick themselves back up. These possibilities are what makes opportunity so special and success so sweet.

Freedom And Opportunity

Failure should also be viewed as an opportunity; it is an opportunity to learn from our past mistakes and improve our outcomes through experience and knowledge. One must balance risk versus reward and understand that you are free to choose either path. That freedom – the freedom to dictate your own path – is what this country is all about. That path might not be smooth or easy, but you are free to take that path if you choose.
We can never allow opportunity to be extinguished. Without it, we have no freedom.