The Kappa Sigma Fraternity considers the health, safety, and welfare of all undergraduate Brothers, Pledges, and guests to be our number one priority. Each year nearly 2,000 college students die from alcohol related accidents. As you prepare for your return to campus, reflect on the fact that binge drinking is the major contributing factor to college student injuries, deaths, sexual assaults, vehicle accidents, and hazing incidents.

The Kappa Sigma Fraternity continually strives to educate our undergraduates on ways to conduct Chapter activities in a safe and responsible manner. A copy of Kappa Sigma’s Code of Conduct and Risk Management Policies is linked below, please review these policies and make sure you understand them. Our Fraternity risk management policies prohibit underage drinking at all Chapter events, and hard alcohol is prohibited unless served by a third-party vendor. All forms of hazing are strictly prohibited. Every member has a duty to follow all policies and rules of the fraternity as well as those of your college/university as you return to campus. This Fall, you will be asked to confirm that you’ve read, and understand our Code of Conduct and that you agree to abide by it.

As a Brother, or Pledge of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, you have a special responsibility to uphold the ideals and expectations of our organization. One of the most noble duties of membership is to look out for your fellow Brothers. If you see certain members, or your Chapter, engage in activities that are illegal or violate fraternity policies, it is your responsibility to intervene and prevent them from occurring. Fraternities have been in the news lately due to hazing incidents that not only resulted in the tragic deaths of students, but also brought universal condemnation and disgrace to their organizations. Those students involved in these illegal acts have been arrested and face prosecution and possible time in prison. Hazing has not only been prohibited for more than 30 years by every national fraternity and college campus, but it is also a crime in most states, and prosecutors are rightfully prosecuting students that engage in such activities.

Studies have shown that students that stand up against hazing, binge drinking, sexual misconduct and other illegal acts within their Chapters have a positive influence on their fellow Brothers. It takes courage to step-in to prevent a Brother from drinking too much alcohol, or to intervene to prevent their Chapter from making bad decisions that violate campus and Fraternity risk-management policies.

Please make sure to take a responsible and balanced approach in your social activities and in your social interactions with others. Make it your Chapter’s focus to live up to our Fraternity’s ideals and never engage in any activity that can endanger yourself or other students.

The Kappa Sigma Fraternity will continue to educate our undergraduates about the most pressing issues facing fraternities today regarding binge drinking, sexual misconduct, and hazing. Please refer to the following resources about these important topics:

Kappa Sigma Code of Conduct 

 Short Video’s

Please do your part to promote a safe social environment this Fall. Your positive influence will make a huge difference! Thank you for your assistance, and best wishes for a safe and enjoyable 2022-23 school year.