Every organization has pivotal moments in its history that shape what they are today and Kappa Sigma is no different. These moments forever cemented in the archives of our fraternal order have laid a foundation for all of us to build and grow and thus should be celebrated.
We have narrowed it down to 150 Moments in Kappa Sigma History and will count them down from now until the Opening Session on July 24th at the 72nd Biennial Grand Conclave in Charlottesville, VA to celebrate 150 years of Kappa Sigma! To remind you of just some of those many moments and people that have made us what we are today… the greatest fraternity in the world! 

Starting now!

Kappa Sigma’s Decade of Dominance – From 2003 until 2019 Kappa Sigma Fraternity experienced its greatest decades and years of growth in the history of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.  That effort was led by many outstanding Worthy Grand Masters including the following Brothers:
Thomas P. Bishop, 2001-2003
Kevin S. Kaplan, 2003-2005
Donal L. McClamroch, Jr., 2005-2007
Phillip Bell, IV, 2007-2009
E.L. “Bill” Betz, Jr., 2009-2011
Christian Nascimento, 2011-2013
Hugh M. Robert, 2013-2015
Derek L. Marchman, 2015-2017


Follow along for yourself by clicking the image below for the list of Moments in Kappa Sigma History!

Stay in the know with what’s happening leading up to the 150th Celebration on Twitter by following @KappaSigma150!

Make sure to join us for what is sure to be one for the history books!