The Supreme Executive Committee of Kappa Sigma Fraternity is pleased to announce that Brother Michael O’Malley has been selected as the 2016 Kappa Sigma Man of the Year. Brother O’Malley is a December 2, 1985, initiate of the Beta-Kappa Chapter of Kappa Sigma at the University of New Hampshire. He was presented as Man of the Year for 2016 on January 28, 2017 at the University of New Hampshire.


Brother O’Malley is an American actor and writer and has appeared in many television series and movies. He is known for his role as Jimmy Hughes on the hit series Yes Dear. He was nominated for an Emmy Award for his role as Burt Hummel for the Fox Series Glee.
He has appeared in such movies as 28 Days; Deep Impact; Leatherheads; Eat, Pray, Love, and R.I.P.D.; Pushing Tin; The Perfect Man; Meet Dave; Concussion and Sully.
He is also a published playwright, and his works include: Three Years from Thirty; Diverting Devotion; Searching for Certainty, and he is a writer for the Showtime Series Shameless.
Brother O’Malley is a native of Nashua, New Hampshire and is the first initiate of the Beta-Kappa Chapter at New Hampshire to be selected for Man of the Year. The Man of the Year Award will be presented for the 79th time in its history, and Brother O’Malley will be the 82nd Brother of Kappa Sigma to receive the annual honor.
A Man of the Year Banquet was held on January 28, 2017, at the University of New Hampshire at Huddleston Hall.
The Man of the Year Award was established in 1937 when the first Man of the Year Award was presented to Brother Cyrus Smith of Tau Chapter at the University of Texas. Brother Smith was president of American Airlines.