Kappa Sigma Fraternity has named five alumni as recipients of the U. S. Senator John G. Tower Distinguished Alumni Award for 2020.

Established in 1995, the Tower Award honors “Kappa Sigma Brothers who have shown a commitment to their business, family, church, philanthropy and community activities.” It is named for John G. Tower, former U. S. Senator from Texas who served on the Kappa Sigma’s international board of directors for six years and was Worthy Grand Master of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity from 1971-73. This prestigious award is considered one of the highest honors alumni can receive within the national fraternity.

Honorees for 2020 include:

  • Mark A. Cooper: Mr. Cooper is a 1983 initiate of the Gamma Chapter at Louisiana State University. He currently serves as Chief of Staff to Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards. Mr. Cooper is a renowned expert in emergency management, holding chief roles in emergency management for Wal-Mart and the State of Louisiana.
  • Sgt. Robert M. Ferguson: Sgt. Ferguson is a 2012 initiate of the Lambda-Phi Chapter at Sam Houston State University. He is a veteran of the United States Army and United States Air Force. Sgt. Ferguson has been a member of the United States National Amputee Soccer Team since 2016. He is also involved with Dynamo Charities in Houston to help grow awareness of amputee soccer in Texas.
  • Dr. Gary L. Miller: Dr. Miller is a 1973 initiate of the Nu Chapter at the College of William and Mary. he was unanimously elected the 18th president of the University of Akron in August 2019 and took office on October 1st, 2019. Dr. Miller previously served as Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay, as well as Chancellor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
  • Connor W. “Pat” Patman, Jr.: Mr. Patman is a 1971 initiate of the Theta Chapter at Texas Christian University where he served as Rush Chair and Grand Master as an undergraduate. He is a commercial real estate broker and investor from Dallas, Texas. Mr. Patman has been instrumental in capital projects for the benefit of the active chapter as well as the development of the alumni for the Theta Chapter at TCU. Mr. Patman is one of Jackson’s Men at the Opal Level for the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund.
  • Robert D. “Bobby” Springer: Mr. Springer is a 1993 initiate of the Theta-Zeta Chapter at Eastern New Mexico University. He is President and General Manager of KHOU and KTBU in Houston, Texas. Mr. Springer was the volunteer Executive Producer of Kappa Sigma’s A Brotherhood Like No Other online rush special event video, which premiered in September 2020.
Dr. Gary L. Miller accepting his John G. Tower Award on the University of Akron campus.
Brother Bobby Springer accepting his John G. Tower award virtually at the Supreme Executive Committee Meeting in Nashville, TN.

For more information on the U. S. Senator John G. Tower Distinguished Alumni Award, as well as a list of previous winners, please visit https://www.kappasigma.org/john-g-tower-award/.