A Tradition of Excellence

The Ohio State University and the Alpha-Sigma chapter of Kappa Sigma played host to the 2nd annual Great Lakes Conclave the weekend of February 27 – March 1. The event brought together 300 brothers from 26 chapters and 5 states including Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. The event included keynote speaker Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies Toby Taylor and Director of Education Programs Corey Hill.

“What It Takes to Win”

The theme of this year’s event was “What it Takes to Win”. WGMC Taylor kicked off the morning speaking to the brothers and pledges on the importance of operating successful chapters, building success through rush and recruitment and, finally, the importance of Ritual learning and performance. After which, brothers split out into breakout sessions on topics including Membership Development, Chapter Operations, Recruitment, and specific breakout sessions for Grand Masters and Grand Procurators.
Grand Master Peter Fallon (Gamma-Xi) remarked “I think the best part of Great Lakes Conclave was meeting brothers from around the region, and hearing their experiences. It’s easy to get caught up in our respective chapters, but hearing what Brothers have gone through and being able to learn from them is very rewarding.”
“Further, seeing at least a dozen Brothers step up to support Jackson’s Men was extremely powerful. I believe this shows what Kappa Sigma means to us; Being able to support our organization so past, present, and future Brothers can succeed is exciting and meaningful.”
Brother Frank Russo (Alpha-Sigma, Ohio State University, ‘81) addressed the brothers during their afternoon session. Brother Russo is the assistant athletic director at LaSalle High School in Cincinnati and a former Ohio State track and field athlete. Brother Russo has a long history of developing athletes using the bonds of team members to build successful programs. Frank spoke to lessons he learned as a Kappa Sigma that he uses with his athletes on being “My Brother’s Keeper”

Always Moving Forward

The Great Lakes chapters stepped up to the plate throughout the regional conclave to ask questions and work as true Kappa Sigma men to figure out steps needed to build and build upon great chapter organization. The Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund Representative Brother Deshawn Clement asked brothers to step up and contribute to the Jackson’s Men Program. The Great Lakes chapters answered the challenge and committed over $40,000 to the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund.