William Oscar Waters

Inducted July 16, 2005

Brother William Oscar Waters is a February 2, 1952 initiate of the Alpha-Beta Chapter at Mercer University. Brother Waters has served Kappa Sigma as District Grand Master for three separate districts and as Alumnus Advisor for three different chapters. During his tenure as District Grand Master, comprised of Chapters in West Tennessee and Arkansas, his Chapters received more Scholarship-Leadership Awards and more Founders Awards of Chapter Excellence than any other district at that time. He has served as a member of the Ritual Commission and upon his retirement in 1999 the Annual District Grand Master of the Year Award was permanently named in his honor. Brother Waters received the District Grand Master of the Year Award at the 63rd Grand Conclave of Kappa Sigma held in Memphis, Tennessee.

Brother Waters raised over two million dollars through the “One of Jackson’s Men” Program and wore Jackson’s Men Pin Number 4. Brother Waters was appointed to the position of Director of Development of the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund in April of 2004 and held that position until 2005 and previously served as Director of the Renaissance Campaign.