Willard F. Rockwell, Jr.

Inducted July 25, 2009

Willard F. Rockwell, Jr.is a February 20, 1932 initiate of the Alpha-Delta Chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This Brother is well known throughout Kappa Sigma as one of the modern-day visionaries of our beloved Fraternity. In business, he was a captain of industry in his leadership of one of the most successful corporations throughout the world. Brother William F. Rockwell, Jr. served as President, Chairman and Chief Executive of the Rockwell International Corporation. The company manufactured spacecraft and rocket propulsion systems, electronic industrial automation products, web presses, and automotive components. Brother Rockwell also founded the Astrotech International Corporation, which promoted the commercial use of space exploration. Brother Rockwell was best known for Apollo and Shuttle Projects and the work of his company in the United States Space Program, which put men on the moon in 1969, and also the Space Shuttle Project.

He won awards from the American Astronautical Society, the American Management Association, the United Negro College Fund, and the International Institute of Technology. Brother Rockwell was chosen as the Man of the Year for Kappa Sigma Fraternity in 1958 and would serve for six years on our Supreme Executive Committee. His service on the Supreme Executive Committee culminated in 1967 when he was elected as Worthy Grand Master. He served in that position until the 1969 Centennial Grand Conclave in Richmond, Virginia.
