Thomas P. Bishop

Inducted July 30, 2011

Brother Bishop is a February 27, 1979 initiate of the Alpha-Beta Chapter at Mercer University. He served Kappa Sigma as IFC President, Grand Master of Ceremonies, and Grand Master and he served as President of the Mercer IFC during his undergraduate years. He also served as the President of the Order of Omega and was the Undergraduate Advisory Committee Delegate for Area 2 for 1981-1982. He was a member of the Mercer College Student Senate and served as Chief Justice of the Honor Council. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Mercer University in 1982. He is a 1985 Cum Laude graduate of the Mercer University Law School where he was editor of the Eleventh Circuit Survey Edition of the Law Review and served on the Moot Court Board.

Brother Bishop has served this fraternity in numerous alumni capacities including Alumnus Advisor of Alpha-Beta Chapter in 1982, Ritualist of Kappa Sigma Fraternity from 1983 until 1993, and as a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity Supreme Executive Committee, serving for six years in the offices of Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies, Worthy Grand Procurator and Worthy Grand Master for the years 1997-2003. Brother Bishop currently holds the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund Chairman position.