Dr. John W. Ryan

Inducted on August 2, 2003

Brother John W. Ryan was initiated into the Delta-Sigma Chapter at the University of Utah on November 18, 1950. Brother Ryan served the Kappa Sigma Fraternity on the Supreme Executive Committee from 1981-1987. He would serve as Worthy Grand Master from 1985-1987. Brother Ryan was responsible, along with Brother Luke J. Schissel, for establishing the Jackson’s Men Program which remains as Kappa Sigma Fraternity’s most successful development program for the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund. The program was established at the 1989 Grand Conclave in Orlando, Florida and over 5,000 Brothers have committed to be One of Jackson’s Men in the Program’s history.

Brother Ryan served as President of Indiana University for a period of 17 years (1971-1987) and is considered one of the great leaders for higher education in the history of college and university administration. In addition to serving as President of Indiana University, he also served as Chancellor for the State University of New York System (1996-1997 Interim and Chancellor, 1997-1999), and served as Interim President at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County (1994) and Florida Atlantic University (1989). He was the Kappa Sigma Man of the Year for 1975. He wore Jackson’s Men Pin #2.
