The Delta-Mu Chapter at the University of North Dakota (UND) has raised over $21,000 for the Military Heroes Campaign in 2021, with over $8,600 being raised through its annual Concert in the Park event. The Concert in the Park event was conceptualized in 2018 and has run annually for every year, except in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s concert was held on August 27th and featured two bands, Silver Warehouse and Mud Dogs.

Funds were raised through corporate sponsorship(s) and admission fees, as well as, proceeds from a car raffle last spring. Delta-Mu made a $21,050 charitable donation to the Military Heroes Campaign, taking the number one slot in fraternities at UND for philanthropic donations.

Teamwork was the name of the game, as more than 75 Brothers volunteered to staff the event, led by the chapter’s A Greater Cause chairman, Riley Sondrol, and the chapter’s housing corporation president, Jeffrey Frane.

Since 2007, the Military Heroes Campaign has raised over $2 million to assist veterans.

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