The Undergraduate Advisory Committee (UAC) serves a critical function within the Fraternity by ensuring that undergraduate viewpoints are presented to the Supreme Executive Committee and that undergraduates’ voices are heard directly.  Each member of the UAC is elected to a 1-year term by the chapters in his area. This past July, at the 73rd Biennial Grand Conclave, the Brothers of Area 1 elected Brother Mitchell Asante (Tau-Eta, University of Rhode Island, 2018) to represent them on the UAC. He kindly joined us for an introductory interview.

What is your hometown?
“Vineland, NJ”

What are you studying in school?

“Political Science with minors in Law and Communications”

What leadership positions within your chapter have you held?
“Grand Master (2020-2021) and Risk Chairman (Spring 2019)”

What other organizations are you involved in on campus?

“I’m President of the Interfraternity Council President, [a] Senator At-Large [in the] Student Senate, [and a member of] Pi Sigma Alpha which is the Political Science Honor Society”


What’s the best advice for Kappa Sigma Chapters that you can give? 

“Every Brother has an opportunity to have an impact, work together as a chapter. As an Executive Committee, one of the best ways to ensure success is by setting goals for your chapter and committing to achieving them. Prioritize Champion Quest, potential new members need to know that they will receive the most opportunities out of college by joining the greatest brotherhood in the fraternal world.

Make sure you put in the effort to make connections and utilize your alumni network. Kappa Sigma doesn’t just offer the standard “4-Year College Experience” it also builds up a future after college. Not for a day, or an hour, or a college term only, but for life.”


Thank you for your leadership Brother Asante. We know that the undergraduate Brothers in Area 1 are well represented this year! AEKΔB!