Brother Mike Johnson (Gamma, Louisiana State University, ‘91) has been elected Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Under the United States Constitution, the office of Speaker of the House is second in line for the presidency.

Brother Johnson was first elected to Congress in 2017, served as the Chair of the Republican Study Commission during the 116th Congress, and has been Vice Chair of the House Republican Caucus since 2021. Brother Johnson previously served as a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives.

Brother Johnson served the Gamma Chapter as Grand Scribe and Grand Procurator. He is a member of the Greek Honorary, The Order of Omega Honor Society, and served as president of the LSU Interfraternity Council.

Johnson and his wife Kelly have been married since 1999 and have four children. They reside in Bossier Parish.

Congratulations to Brother Johnson on his election and continued leadership. We hope he will continue to bring pride to the Order!