Kappa Sigma is proud to announce the Supreme Executive Committee has voted to reestablish the Sigma-Pi Chapter in Albany, N.Y., and this past Saturday, February 24, 2024, they were installed, claiming their position as our 379th Chapter. On March 5, 2023, the Sigma-Pi Colony was kicked off, and in less than a year have worked hard to achieve their Chapter. To achieve their charter, just this year, the 50 men of Sigma-Pi donated nearly 1,600 hours of community service, $1,300 to charitable causes, and completed multiple workshops over the Champion Quest, Code of Conduct, and time management.

These Brothers were joined by Executive Director Emeritus Mitchell B. Wilson (Beta-Nu, ’78) Vice President of External Affairs Leo J. Brown IV. (Theta-Theta, ’04)  and Ritualist Kristian Griffiths (Theta-Rho, ’14) representing the Fraternity and the District. District Grand Master Christopher P. Suttmeier (Tau-Chi, ’16) represented the District. 

We would also like to thank the Brothers of the following Chapters who attended the Installation as ritual teams:

Pi-Phi – Brooklyn College
Upsilon-Epsilon – Marist College
Upsilon-Lambda – State University of New York-Oneonta
Phi-Beta – Western New England University

Brothers everywhere wish Sigma-Pi the best as they begin their road to excellence and offer our congratulations.