The New Partnership

The Kappa Sigma Fraternity has established a relationship with UBER for the popular ride sharing company to become a part of Kappa Sigma’s affinity program which provides valuable and useful support services to all Kappa Sigma members. Uber has become a major player in the transportation service industry and has been extremely successful in connecting riders to drivers through the Company’s popular App which has resulted in making cities and communities more accessible.
UBER has offered a special discount to all Kappa Sigma Brothers for $5 dollars off the first three rides. Those Brothers who sign up to use the service, and who wish to receive this special discount, may do so by using the special promo code KAPPASIG.

Benefits To Kappa Sigma Undergraduates

The Supreme Executive Committee has established this partnership with Uber in an effort to continue to build special affinity programs with successful companies for the benefit of undergraduate and alumni Brothers. In recent years, the Fraternity has established similar relationships with GEICO and Brooks Brothers. The Fraternity has also received financial support from some of these companies to help provide education programs for its undergraduate chapters and Brothers at Grand Conclave.