A Tradition of Thanksgiving

For the men of the Lambda-Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Sigma at the University of Central Florida, Brotherhood and the spirit of Fraternity come together each year at their annual Thanksgiving Feast. Held on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, the festive gathering draws undergraduate and alumni brothers together for a memorable night of great food and fellowship.
Each year, a team of devoted undergraduate brothers cook up the delicious tastes of professional smokehouse favorites like beef brisket, ribs and pulled pork. This year, the volunteer chefs smoked over 300 pounds of meat to cater to the growing popularity of this exciting event.
Together, the chapter of Lambda-Epsilon has created an inviting environment for brothers to enjoy each other’s company and meet locally. “We are excited to continue this annual gathering of brothers,” says Grand Master Harrison Chau (Lambda-Epsilon, 2013), “because it offers our guys a unique opportunity to gather outside of the regular day-to-day operations of the chapter.”

Inviting Alumni Together With Undergraduates

This year represented the largest gathering in the event’s six-year history, with over 100 undergraduate and alumni brothers coming from as far away as Atlanta to share in the bonds of brotherhood.
The event also served as the largest showing yet for local alumni, with two dozen alumni from several chapters present to enjoy the company of each other and reflect back on their years as an undergraduate.
“The best thing that comes out of this gathering each year is the chance for alumni from different generations to reconnect with the chapter,” says Alumnus Advisor Patrick Nurse (Lambda-Epsilon, 1991). “It’s easy for alumni to get consumed in their daily lives, and we are happy to invite all alumni back to the chapter to express their thanks for the gift of Kappa Sigma.”
Among the best moments of the night was having several Founding Fathers of the Lambda-Epsilon chapter walking around and talking with recent initiates. Along with other alumni, the Founding Fathers shared stories about what Kappa Sigma means to them, and how the current undergraduates can improve their community and build on the legacy of Kappa Sigma and the Lambda-Epsilon chapter.

Strengthened Bonds of Brotherhood

As we all enjoy the Thanksgiving season, Lambda-Epsilon continues to enhance their chapter through successful community engagement and brotherhood events like their annual Thanksgiving Feast. In the spirit of The Five Friends and Brothers, and the tenets we hold dear, Lambda-Epsilon will continue to build on this Thanksgiving tradition and develop new opportunities to foster Brotherhood and Fellowship throughout the year.