The Alpha-Eta Chapter at The George Washington University  raised nearly $40,000 for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation to fund critical childhood cancer research. The goal for the “Shave Away Cancer” event was to raise $15,000, and then the members would shave their heads. The event easily met and surpassed its goal, and many members of the chapter, campus and community have shaved away their hair, as promised.
Brother Justin R. Hyde (’11) organized the chapter’s annual philanthropic event, and around 100 students and community members participated in the “head-line” shaving event, and hundreds more came to cheer them on — including the university’s mascot, George Washington. A video recap of the event can be viewed on The GW Hatchet’s website.
The chapter continues to accept donations for this event via their fundraising page on the St. Baldrick’s Foundation website.