Kappa Sigma has begun the critical work of assembling our next AREA RECRUITMENT MANAGER (ARM) team for the 2022-2023 school year.

This special group of talented brothers will be tasked to ensure our rightful place as the most preferred fraternity in the world.

The Brothers we seek for this elite group must have a proven track record of fraternal accomplishment and an unwavering, evident love of the Order, along with unbridled enthusiasm and passion for Kappa Sigma.

As part of your application, we ask that you produce an introductory video (not to exceed three minutes) answering two very important questions…

– Why do I love Kappa Sigma?

– Why do I want to be an Area Recruitment Manager?

Twenty FINALISTS will be selected and invited to participate in live interviews at Kappa Sigma International Headquarters (Charlottesville, VA) in early Spring. The fraternity will pay all travel expenses.

Of the Finalists, Kappa Sigma will ultimately choose five to 10 dynamic brothers, who will be asked to serve a minimum one-year commitment to advance our fraternity. Competitive starting salary, bonus, and benefits.

In addition to the video, please include your resume and Kappa Sigma accomplishments.

Applications should be emailed to Leo Brown at [email protected].

You must be a difference-maker, and the most committed brothers should apply.