Probably the greatest education that a man can receive is when he provides service to his fellow man. Kappa Sigma Undergraduate Brothers, Chapters, and Colonies have provided important community service hours as volunteers in supporting communities that are in need of...
Worthy Grand Master Adam J. Merillat outlined specific goals for the Fraternity for the 2021-2023 Biennium and the centerpiece for the undergraduates was to have Champion Quest remain a major focus for our Chapters and Colonies. The Goal to pledge 20,000 men in...
The Kappa Sigma Fraternity considers the health, safety, and welfare of all undergraduate Brothers, Pledges, and guests to be our number one priority. Each year nearly 2,000 college students die from alcohol related accidents. As you prepare for your return to campus,...
Kappa Sigma has just completed another academic year, and it has been one for the record books! Because of the leadership of our undergraduate Chapters and the Champion Quest program, Kappa Sigma has completed one of its most outstanding years as the world’s #1...
Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund announces 592 undergraduate brothers to receive $353,900 in Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship-Leadership Awards, an increase of 32% in number of awards given, and a 41% increase in dollars given over the prior year. The Trustees increased...
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