[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Winter / Spring Issue of The Caduceus Released”][/ultimate_heading]Check out the complete Caduceus for all chapter news, alumni updates, and event highlights. Read more here! If you didn’t receive Tthe Caduceus in the...
WE DID IT! A record 11,621 brothers donated $241,153… a historic achievement. Special thanks to the 250 ambassadors who led the way in this unprecedented campaign. In the coming day’s we will announce the chapter standings. Kappa Sigmas have demonstrated...
Join us at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, in Las Vegas Nevada for the 71st Biennial Grand Conclave July 12, 2017 – July 16, 2017. Every chapter will receive 1 complimentary registration for their delegate to the 71st Biennial Grand Conclave. Start...
The 2017 Stephen Alonzo Jackson Day of Giving has officially begun! “Our goal is to have at least 5,000 brothers make a gift to their Chapter Scholarship Fund in a 48 hour period,” said Worthy Grand Master Derek Marchman. “This will be the largest mobilization of...
The Supreme Executive Committee and Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund announced today that it would launch the second annual STEPHEN ALONZO JACKSON DAY OF GIVING on March 3-4, 2017. The purpose of this historic initiative is to raise funds for each Chapter Scholarship Fund...
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