Kappa Sigma recognizes that during the COVID-19 stay-at-home period, our graduating brothers have lost many milestones that seniors traditionally enjoy. As men of zeal, Kappa Sigma knows that brotherhood can’t be quarantined, and we will ensure that you and the rest of the Kappa Sigma class of 2020 do not graduate without receiving your fraternal honors!

On Sunday, May 17th at 8:00 p.m. EDT, Kappa Sigma will be holding a fraternity-wide senior Ceremony of Passage, hosted by our Worthy Grand Master and Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies. This traditional Senior Ceremony will allow our graduating brothers from across North America to experience a final celebratory ceremony and aid in the transition from undergraduate student to a Kappa Sigma alumnus member.

Are you a graduating senior? Click HERE for sign-up information or reach out to your Chapter’s EC.