Brothers and friends gathered in Washington D.C. yesterday to visit Brother Robert J. Dole (Gamma-Omicron, University of Kansas, ’42) and to announce a Scholarship-Leadership Award to be named in his honor. The Scholarship will be given annually as a part of the Endowment Fund’s Scholarship-Leadership Awards Program. The Award was established to go to a brother who is a student and who has served in the Armed Forces or is a member of the ROTC.
This year will be the inaugural year for the Award. The Award was established through a gift to the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund from the A Greater Cause Foundation and through funds raised by chapters through the Military Heroes Campaign. The Award is established in honor of Brother Dole’s service to the citizens of Kansas and to the people of the United States of America.
Present to present the Award to Brother Dole were: Worthy Grand Master Derek Marchman, Worthy Grand Procurator Toby Taylor, Past Worthy Grand Master and Endowment Fund Vice Chairman Christian Nascimento, Past Worthy Grand Treasurer Adam Apatoff,  Past Worthy Grand Scribe and Endowment Fund Secretary Greg Hunt, Endowment Fund Trustee and Man of the Year Marty Petersen , Alumni Advancement
Coordinator KC Meyercord , Bryan Cronan, and Executive Director Mic Wilson.
A Greater Cause is the Fraternity’s bold initiative to promote volunteerism, citizenship and service to the community.
Created in 2007, the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign honors and aids thousands of military veterans and their families in communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Since its inception, the campaign has donated over $1,000,000 to non-profit organizations who advocate on behalf of servicemen and women and those wounded in combat.

Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving

The 10th annual Kappa Sigma Fraternity Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving is now live! Brothers from across North America are joining together with family, friends, and others to raise funds for undergraduate scholarships. This weekend,  between February 28th and March 2nd, 100% of your donation will go directly to support and award more Undergraduate scholarships for the Chapter of your choosing.