
It was June 14th and Brother Robert Ferguson (Lambda-Phi, Sam Houston State University, ’12) was going to the sports fields at Bear Branch Park in the Woodlands, TX – his girlfriend and one of her friends were going to be kicking a soccer ball around while he ran laps.
Soccer had always been a huge part of Brother Ferguson’s life, but after having lost his leg in 2009, he never thought that he would play soccer again. He started playing when he was just 4 years old, and even got the opportunity to play for a small semi-pro team in Germany while stationed there.
While he was running laps he had the sudden urge to try and kick the ball around again. “It was like a fire had been sparked in my belly” said Brother Ferguson. “I decided to get in the goal and just have them shoot on me a couple of times. It was like I had never quit playing” he continued. He asked his girlfriend to go back to the truck and grab his regular walking leg, and then it happened. On her way back from the car, the goalie for the men’s national amputee soccer team noticed her with a prosthetic in her arms. He followed her and watched Brother Ferguson play in the net. Afterwards, they got to talking and he asked if Brother Ferguson had ever thought about trying out for the men’s national amputee soccer team.
He had never heard of such a team, so he got the contact information. Brother Ferguson was put in touch with the coach and a member of the team that lives in Houston. From there, it took off. One of his Chapter Brothers, Andres Hernandez(Lambda-Phi, Sam Houston State University, ’14), helped him start training. He had just finished his last summer final and was heading to Houston to unwind when he heard that he made the team!
Brother Ferguson says “I cannot wait to hoist the Kappa Sigma flag in another country as I represent my country and my fraternity on the soccer field.”

Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving

The 10th annual Kappa Sigma Fraternity Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving is now live! Brothers from across North America are joining together with family, friends, and others to raise funds for undergraduate scholarships. This weekend,  between February 28th and March 2nd, 100% of your donation will go directly to support and award more Undergraduate scholarships for the Chapter of your choosing.