Brother Philip Sidney Anderson Jr, a February 23, 1954 initiate of the Xi Chapter at the University of Arkansas, and the 1998 Kappa Sigma Man of the Year joined Chapter Celestial on August 15th, 2023. Anderson was the President of the American Bar Association from 1998 to 1999. 

He served as Rush Chairman, Grand Scribe, and Grand Master of the Xi Chapter during his undergraduate years. On Campus, he was Editor of the Razorback Yearbook, President of the Interfraternity Council, a member of numerous honor societies, and was Editor of the Arkansas Law Review. The Annual Report, a publication that is produced by Xi Chapter, was modeled after a publication Brother Anderson produced in 1956. The format has been used by the Chapter since 1991. Brother Anderson was only the 65th Brother to receive Kappa Sigma’s Man of the Year Award of 89.

Brother Anderson began practicing law in 1960 with the predecessor of Wright, Lindsey & Jennings, and then at Williams & Anderson, the firm he founded in 1988 with his Pledge Brother W. Jack Williams, Peter Kumpe, and David Menz. He loved the law and defended it every day.

Anderson was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and a member of the Grolier Club of New York. He served as a trustee of the George W. Donaghey Foundation for 44 years, was a member of the Board of Directors of WEHCO Media, Inc, and was a trustee of the Central Arkansas Library System.

He is survived by his loving family in Little Rock, Arkansas. Anderson is part of a large Kappa Sigma family.  Brother Anderson’s extended family has 38 Kappa Sigma initiates, all but two from Xi Chapter.

Brothers that have passed to Chapter Celestial over the past two years are listed in our Chapter Celestial. These Brothers through their membership and their actions throughout life have made Kappa Sigma stronger, and more honorable, thus they have earned their place in Chapter Celestial.