Brother Russel L. Wiener

Brother Russel L. Wiener joined the Chapter Celestial on April 1, 2015. Brother Wiener would have celebrated his 95th birthday on April 13.
Brother Wiener was a 1939 initiate of the Phi Chapter at Rhodes College and served the Fraternity in many ways throughout his life. He was honored as the 1991 Kappa Sigma Man of the Year for his success as a businessman and philanthropist. In 2007, he was inducted into the Kappa Sigma Hall of Honor. He was the 13th Brother to be inducted for this prestigious honor.

Giving Time And Treasure

The Kappa Sigma Endowment fund was enriched by Brother Wiener’s tenure as chairman, where he gave of his time and treasure. Brother Wiener also ensured the Fraternity would have a state of the art Headquarters by providing a significant financial gift to its construction. The Kappa Sigma Fraternity International Headquarters was named in his honor at the ribbon cutting on June 2, 2007, and the Headquarters will always be known as the Russel L. Wiener Building.

Impact On The World

Outside of his service to Kappa Sigma, Brother Wiener was a successful businessman and philanthropist. Early in his career he practiced as a dentist, and later co-founded the original Donruss Company in 1954 with his brother Donald where they made Super Bubble Gum, Donruss Baseball Cards and many other products.
Brother Wiener had a strong love for the Phi Chapter (Rhodes College), where he was initiated on February 27, 1939. In February 2007, Brother Wiener was named the Chapter’s Man of the Quasquicentennial. He was a loyal member of the Order for 76 years.
Brother Wiener and his wife, Joy, were always present for Kappa Sigma’s Grand Conclave and were a most special part of Kappa Sigma’s Finest Hour. Dr. Joy Brown Wiener is a world renowned violinist, and Brothers who attended the Jackson’s Men Reception were privileged to experience her musical genius. Russel and Joy truly were Kappa Sigma’s first couple. Brother Wiener was One of Jackson’s Men #22 and was a member of the inaugural group of Brothers who became One of Jackson’s Men in 1989.
The members of Jackson’s Men Program have grown to nearly 4,000.

The Passing Of A Legend

Kappa Sigma has suffered a tremendous loss with Brother Wiener’s passing, but he left a tremendous legacy for us all. Brother Wiener embodied all that is good about our beloved Order. ΑΕΚΔΒ
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