Tyler Johnson, a 2020 initiate of the the Lambda Chapter at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, recently received a national award for his leadership in the Tennessee Greek system. From January to November 2023, Brother Johnson presided over 2800+ members from multiple fraternities while working to grow and strengthen interfraternalism throughout campus. Working alongside the rest of the executive board and with the support of chapter presidents, Brother Johnson helped Tennessee win three other accolades, including Outstanding Commitment to Diversity, and Outstanding Peer Governance. Furthermore, Brother Johnson and his team spearheaded MANUAL, a guide to men’s health accessible to all, not just those in Greek life.

When asked about the award and his leadership journey, Brother Johnson offered humble words on the importance of community at the Lambda Chapter and its relation to his personal growth. “My time spent at the Lambda Chapter… provided me with Brotherhood, leadership opportunities, and the desire to achieve worthy things. I’ve been blessed to have experienced great leadership from Brothers before me and have learned from those younger than me. The Chapter has pushed me to seek leadership opportunities so that I may positively represent our Brotherhood and better myself.”

Congratulations Brother Johnson on your success!