Brother Richard P. “Dick” Schafrath (Alpha-Sigma, The Ohio State University, ’58), who earned legendary status as an offensive tackle on the gridiron and later as a state legislator, joined the Chapter Celestial on August 15th, 2021. A native of Wooster, Ohio, Brother...
Undoubtedly, this biennium’s greatest achievement across our undergraduates and alumni is the shattering of our fundraising goal for Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving! In the history of the North American Greek system, no fraternity has ever had a more...
Nate Morris Scholarship-Leadership Award Will Benefit the Kappa Sigma Chapter at the University of Kentucky [LEXINGTON, Ky.] The Lexington, Kentucky-based Morris Foundation is to endow an annual scholarship in the name of Morris Foundation founder and Kappa Sigma alum...
Get Ready for Nashville with Our Grand Conclave Travel Guide Next week Brothers from across North America will be arriving in Music City U.S.A. for our 73rd Biennial Grand Conclave in Nashville! Below is a Travel Guide with answers to many frequently asked questions...
Champion Quest is Kappa Sigma’s signature recruitment program. Champion Quest never ceased during the 2019-2021 biennium, even when campuses closed due to pandemic mitigation protocols. Unlike our competition, Kappa Sigma did not let campuses closing stop us from...
The 73rd Biennial Grand Conclave in Nashville will be a Kappa Sigma gathering like no other! As we draw closer, we will be highlighting several of the fun events taking place during the Grand Conclave this year. The 73rd edition of the Grand Conclave will feature an...
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