The Kappa Sigma Fraternity International Headquarters Summer Internship Program offers an opportunity for our undergraduate members to share their talents and explore their interests with our Headquarters Staff while receiving an inside look into the day to day...
So much of what we do in Kappa Sigma comes down to communication! Whether it is spreading the word for Champion Quest, reaching out to alumni, or celebrating a successful A Greater Cause effort, our chapters do a great job using social media and online tools to...
Individual Award Applications are open on KappaSig.Net. Please submit applications and recommendations for any brother worthy of an award HERE. For F.A.C.E. Awards, scorecards will come out in the coming days. All SAJ Donations and MHC Donations will be automatically...
Having your Chapter in the Caduceus is a tremendous way to build morale in you Chapter and to keep your alumni up to date on the activities of their home chapter. The Kappa Sigma Fraternity wants to publicize the good works of your Chapter – its philanthropic events...
One of the best parts of our Leadership Conferences and Grand Conclaves is our Awards Program! Kappa Sigma loves nothing more than to recognize the chapters and brothers who exemplify and exceed the high ideals of our order!Some awards require no application. Others...
Brother John G. Tower (Iota, Southwestern University,’43) maintained a long-time interest in the Order. In 1961 he was selected Kappa Sigma Man of the Year and was the keynote speaker at the 1961 Conclave in Portland, OR. He held the entire audience in awe with his...
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