Happy 147th Founders Day!

Happy 147th Founders Day!

On this Founders Day, we celebrate our 147th year as a brotherhood. On December 10th 1869, the Five Friends and Brothers gathered in William Grigsby McCormick’s room at 46 East Lawn on the grounds of the University of Virginia to draft a constitution and...
Updated Kappa Sigma Crest

Updated Kappa Sigma Crest

Did you know we changed the Kappa Sigma crest? As an organization, it is important for us to protect our identity. Given the nature of our organization, we have a number of official logos – each with a specific purpose. To ensure the proper use of the Kappa...
Pi-Sigma Has Day Named After Them!

Pi-Sigma Has Day Named After Them!

The mayor of Salisbury, Maryland, Mr. Jake Day, has proclaimed November 28th as “Kappa Sigma Day”. Mayor Day was extremely proud of the Pi-Sigma Chapter at Salisbury University for its efforts in helping to maintain the Salisbury Zoo after multiple tropical storms and...