Get a free T-Shirt with this month’s awesome special! Spend $40 or more on your credit card and grab a free Kappa Sigma T-Shirt from the Official Online Kappa Sigma Store! Offer ends on 8/31/2017 so make a purchase from the Official Online Store and get your...
Brother Jerry Jones (Xi, University of Arkansas, ’63) was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame on August 5th, in Canton, Ohio. Brother Jones is the Owner, President & General Manager of the Dallas Cowboys. Brother Jones purchased Cowboys in 1989 and...
The Kappa Sigma Fraternity lost one of its finest and most historic leaders on Tuesday, July 18, 2017, when Brother Luke J. Schissel joined the Chapter Celestial. Brother Schissel was a May 16, 1962, initiate of the Epsilon-Nu Chapter at the University of Southern...
We’ve built a mobile app for 71st Biennial Grand Conclave! It has all the important information you’ll need for the event and features to enhance your event experience. This app will be your go to the information source for the 71st Biennial Grand Conclave...
Our Order has seen another record breaking biennium. We have surpassed our own benchmarks by setting a world record in recruitment, leading our communities in philanthropic events, and donating $650,000 to the Military Heroes Campaign. In all four pillars, Kappa...
Kappa Sigma is pleased to welcome back the Epsilon-Eta Chapter at Bowling Green State University! These 56 members were installed on Saturday, April 29th, 2017. The members of Epsilon-Eta have already completed over 2987 hours and raised $9,435 for A Greater Cause....
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