The Epsilon-Rho Chapter at Kent State University raised $15,337 for the Fisher House Foundation at their annual Greek Music Awards philanthropy that was held last Friday March 11th, 2016. The Greek Music Awards (GMA’s) involve Kent State fraternities and sororities...
Kappa Sigma is pleased to welcome the Tau-Phi Chapter at Hartwick College! These 47 members were installed on Saturday March 12th, 2016. Worthy Grand Scribe Jeff McKenzie was in attendance for the installation of this new Chapter. The members of Tau-Phi have already...
Kappa Sigma is pleased to welcome the Beta-Psi Chapter at the University of Washington! These 55 members were installed on Saturday March 5th, 2016. Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies Justin Hansen was in attendance for the installation of this new Chapter. The members...
Graduating soon? The Kappa Sigma store is now offering a limited-time 10% discount on all Kappa Sigma stoles and cords! So when you walk on stage to receive your hard-earned diploma, make sure you compliment that cap and gown with your choice of these sharp stoles and...
Join us at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld Friday, July 22, 2016 – Sunday, July 24, 2016, for the Kappa Sigma Leadership Conference 2016. Every chapter will receive 4 complimentary registration’s to the 2016 Leadership Conference. Start saving now to...
Kappa Sigma is pleased to welcome the Tau-Upsilon Chapter at York University! These 45 members were installed on Saturday February 20th, already making them the largest on campus! Worthy Grand Master Derek Marchman was in attendance for the installation of this new...
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