We are excited to announce the installation of the 430th Chapter of Kappa Sigma! Join us in welcoming the Upsilon-Upsilon Chapter at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois.

The 104 new brothers were installed on Saturday, March 13, 2021. The installation was coordinated by Indiana/Illinois District Grand Master Ryan T. Bosse (Theta-Xi, Trine University, ’15) and Alumni Advisor Jonathan T. Anderson (Theta-Xi, Trine University, ’17). The Ritualist for the installation was Gabriel F. Rodriguez (Rho-Omicron, University of California, Merced, ’11) who also serves as ADGM for Indiana/Illinois District. Director of Recruitment and Expansion, Leo Brown, was in attendance.

The Upsilon-Upsilon brothers served more than 7,056 hours of service to both local and national communities. Their hard work and dediction sets a great example of the responsibilities of a Kappa Sigma.

A huge thank you to the following Chapters for their part in the installation: Alpha-Gamma ( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Beta-Gamma (University of Missouri), Chi (Purdue University), Theta-Xi (Trine University), Sigma-Rho (Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville).

The installation had a number of health and safety protocols to promote the wellness of members. Jackson’s Dream continues to be achieved as our Order spreads across the nation! Congratulations to the newly installed Brothers of Upsilon-Upsilon!