We are excited to announce the re-installation of the 279th Chapter of Kappa Sigma! Join us in welcoming the Xi-Kappa Chapter at Florida International University in Miami, Florida.

The 32 new brothers were installed on Saturday, February 6, 2021. Worthy Grand Treasurer, Martin C. Petersen (Rho, Arizona State University, ’66), and Director of Recruitment and Expansion, Leo Brown, were in attendance. The installation was coordinated by District Grand Master Joshua E. Frost (Lambda-Epsilon, University of Central Florida, ’07) and Alumni Advisor Zachary R. Arcelona (Omicron-Eta, Nova Southeastern University, ’15). The Ritualist for the installation was Robert H. Tessmer, Jr. (Lambda-Epsilon, University of Central Florida, ’96)

The Xi-Kappa brothers served more than 1,700 hours of service to both local and national communities. Their relentless work serves as a great core model for the responsibilities of a Kappa Sigma and their duty to leadership, fellowship, scholarship and service.   

A huge thank you to the following Chapters for their part in the installation: Rho- Zeta (Florida Gulf Coast), Upsilon-Iota (Boca Raton, FL), and Omicron-Eta (NOVA Southeastern University). 

The installation had a number of health safety protocols to promote the wellness of members: initiations were staggered, masks were worn by all in attendance, social distancing was mandatory, and hand sanitizer was provided for use. This is a great success for our Order as it reminds us that COVID-19 will not stop or slow us down. We will continue working to achieve Jackson’s Dream and spread our Order across the nation! Congratulations to the newly installed Brothers of Xi-Kappa!