As we approach the end of the school year, here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

End-of-the-Year Reporting
Remember to log your A Greater Cause Hours, A Greater Cause Dollars, and Military Heroes Campaign Donations before the May 1 deadline.

Ritual Proficiencies must be tested before May 1 as well to qualify for Founders’ Award for Chapter Excellence Points.

Finally, remember to send initiation cards to HQ within ten days of the initiation. Initiation Certificates and Badges will not printed until the card is reviewed.

Chapter Archive
The Kappa Sigma Headquarters houses a Chapter Archive for your Chapter. As we conclude the academic year, this is a great time to add to your archive, and grow the story of your Chapter. Please submit Newsletters, the State of the Chapters, or any appropriate photos from the past year.

You could have submitted materials by the Annual Report, or you can email Michael Malenic at [email protected].

Caduceus Submissions
Twice a year, Kappa Sigma publishes The Caduceus and sends it to every Alumni member free of charge. Over the past year, we have conducted a readership survey, and the most popular section was Chapter Updates from our undergraduates. Chapter Updates should include your Chapter name, University, and between 100 – 200 words about your Chapter operations and members over the last six months. This will be published in July, so keep in mind the current semester will be concluded when these will appear to your Alumni.

To ensure your update gets published and to qualify for the F.A.C.E. points, submissions are due by May 1. Please submit them using this page on the website.

Leadership Conference Registration
This summer, the Star and Crescent will return to the Crescent City of New Orleans for our 2024 Leadership Conference. Your Chapter has received four free delegate spots to ensure your Chapter can attend.  Make sure that your Chapter’s delegates are registered and attend the conference to avoid fines.