2023 Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship-Leadership Award Winners
Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle Winners:
Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle Winners, identify the top 25 Brothers, and includes a $500 scholarship, and a room and registration, at our next Leadership Conference, in July 2024 in New Orleans.Student | Chapter | University | Scholarship |
Rein T. Behlke | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Jose M. Garcia | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Bryce D. Goswick | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Carter N. White | Eta | Randolph-Macon College | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Paulo L. Matheny | Eta | Randolph-Macon College | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Matthew J. Hatch | Gamma-Gamma | Colorado School of Mines | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
John R. Svoboda | Gamma-Rho | University of Arizona | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Kanin T. Shull | Kappa-Mu | Tennessee Technological University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Arshan A. Harizavi | Mu-Delta | University of California, Irvine | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Brayden A. Strickland | Nu-Phi | Northeastern State University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Cole P. Anderson | Rho | Arizona State University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Nicholas Forcellati | Rho-Omega | Stevens Institute of Technology | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Christopher J. Catalano | Rho-Sigma | St. John's University-Staten Island | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
John L. De George | Rho-Sigma | St. John's University-Staten Island | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Karl E. Lillo | Rho-Sigma | St. John's University-Staten Island | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Ritish Chilkepalli | Sigma-Upsilon | University of California, Riverside | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Angel Barboza | Tau-Gamma | University of Nevada, Reno | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Austin k. Ah Mau | Tau-Gamma | University of Nevada, Reno | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Nathan D. Merkle | Tau-Gamma | University of Nevada, Reno | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Luke N. Ritchie | Tau-Mu | Capital University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Denver K. Kosch | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Andrew Barker | Theta-Psi | Oklahoma City University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Drew N. Brown | Theta-Rho | McNeese State University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Joseph T. Langeman | Theta-Xi | Trine University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
Andres P. Chavez | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Dr. John W. Ryan Leadership Circle |
2023 Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship-Leadership Award Winners
Name | Chapter | University | Scholarship | Scholarship Amount |
Jacob M. Bergerman | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Barton H. Kogan Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Tanner Soileau | Gamma | Louisiana State University | Benton Cason de la Houssaye Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Christopher J. Catalano | Rho-Sigma | St. John's University-Staten Island | Brian J. O'Dwyer Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Andrew Barker | Theta-Psi | Oklahoma City University | Chris B. Harrison Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Carter N. White | Eta | Randolph-Macon College | Christopher A. Turlington Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Sam Samani | Beta-Zeta | Stanford University | Craig R. Barrett Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Jake Foss | Alpha-Psi | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | D. A. Murphy Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Ethan H. Hadaway | Lambda-Xi | Georgia College and State University | D. Craig Henry Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Brooks F. Allen | Gamma-Tau | University of Colorado Boulder | David R. Weeks Scholarship Award | $1,250.00 |
Ross David Yenerich | Delta-Pi | Southern Methodist University | Dr. David W. Persky Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Trey R. Rainford | Delta-Sigma | The University of Utah | Dr. John W. Ryan Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Robert H. Smith | Phi | Rhodes College | Dr. Russel L. Wiener Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Ritish Chilkepalli | Sigma-Upsilon | University of California, Riverside | Dwain P. Ramlo Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Hayden Field | Gamma | Louisiana State University | George H. Reymond Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Thomas C. Sato | Theta-Delta | Willamette University | Greg L. Nelson Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Graham Chernik | Beta-Zeta | Stanford University | H. Gardiner Symonds Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
John Grubbs | Delta-Omega | Winston-Salem, North Carolina | H. Howell Taylor, Jr. Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Matthew J. Hatch | Gamma-Gamma | Colorado School of Mines | Hamilton W. Baker Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Tuesday J. Young | Epsilon-Alpha | University of Alberta | Harvey Andre Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Shivane Anand | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Henry A. Zuberano Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Myles Miller | Beta-Sigma | Washington University in St.Louis | Henry C. Bryan, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Nathan B. James | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Henry L. Bauer Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Hilton F. Hassell | Iota | Southwestern University | Henry M. Rockwell Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Luke M. Genovese | Epsilon-Sigma | Florida State University | Honorable Robert J. Dole Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Philip A. Kennedy | Lambda | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Howard H. Lumsden Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Bryce D. Goswick | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Hugh M. Robert Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Preston A. Smith | Beta | The University of Alabama | J. Henry Nichols Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
August Kenneth Pye | Delta-Pi | Southern Methodist University | Jack H. Haaker Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Drew Duffy | Upsilon | Hampden-Sydney College | James J. Keating Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
William L. McFarland | Beta-Lambda | University of Georgia | Jim Pullin/Beta-Lambda Scholarship Fund for Leadership & Academic Excellance | $2,000.00 |
Colby A. Lombard | Epsilon-Omega | Georgia State University | John O. Dasher Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Ryan Potechin | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Justin A. Hansen Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Griffin Hawkins | Mu-Eta | University of Louisville | Justin Constantine Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Jaylord Lobaton | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Kevin S. Kaplan Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Alexander Krajewski | Epsilon-Omega | Georgia State University | L. Saxon Dasher, III Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Jack F. McKinney | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Lanier S. Dasher, Jr. Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Henry J. Schuett | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Louis S. Zamperini Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
William A. Mitchell | Epsilon-Nu | University of Southern Mississippi | Luke J. Schissel Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Alexander Chaikin | Alpha-Gamma | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Mark R. Morris Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Cole P. Anderson | Rho | Arizona State University | Martin C. Petersen Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Miles M. Drum | Beta-Kappa | University of New Hampshire | Michael E. O'Malley Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Joshua B. Longo | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Michael R. Hall Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Blake T. Wetzel | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Mitchell B. Wilson Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Dorsey W. Gibson | Beta-Zeta | Stanford University | Nathaniel G. Symonds Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Kenneth J. Sebelski | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Nathaniel R. Morris Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Andres P. Chavez | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Nicholas E. Snowberger Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Jackson Dapuzzo | Beta-Sigma | Washington University in St.Louis | Norman J. Stupp Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Ankit Ohri | Nu-Lambda | California State University, Sacramento | Nu-Lambda Founders' Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Javier I. Zetter Kick | Gamma-Tau | University of Colorado Boulder | Paul D. Crawford Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Nicholas Forcellati | Rho-Omega | Stevens Institute of Technology | Paul I. Pavlich Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Tyler B. Chipetine | Rho-Omega | Stevens Institute of Technology | Rho-Omega Founders' Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Mason Coon | Gamma-Tau | University of Colorado Boulder | Richard M. Wicks Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Aidan P. McGee | Gamma-Psi | Oklahoma State University | Robert L. Jarrell Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Matthew D. Strawman | Mu-Gamma | Texas A&M University | Ronal K. Holsey, Jr. Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Ethan Antonelli | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Roy C. Osgood Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Ahmad A. Kamara | Kappa-Eta | Widener University | S. Christian Nascimento Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Tristan L. Wolff | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Shawn E. Cray Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Dillon B. Kaplan | Xi-Rho | Stockton University | Steven F. Hensle Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Byron Neu | Gamma-Alpha | University of Oregon | Thomas E. Autzen Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Noah N. Parette | Xi | University of Arkansas | Thomas J. Williams Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Coleman E. Speer | Rho | Arizona State University | Thomas L. Wiper, Jr. Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Sam Treat | Beta-Omega | Colorado College | Todd G. Martz Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Joseph A. Lachenauer | Kappa-Delta | University of South Florida | Troy T. Dunmire Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Colton R. Long | Pi-Eta | Missouri Southern State University | Tyler C. Bower Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Benjamin M. Pulver | Lambda | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Wallace W. Baumann Scholarship Award | $750.00 |
Brant D. Coley | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | William D. Dorsey Scholarship Award | $1,000.00 |
Jose L. Vazquez-Reyes | Rho-Omicron | University of California, Merced | William K. Carpenter Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Paulo L. Matheny | Eta | Randolph-Macon College | William S. McClintic Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Kyle A. Simoes | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Samuel S. Kennedy | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
William A. Caston | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Cole R. Royal | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Guiseppe A. Palamara | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Joel P. Vandewettering | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
John E. Long | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Cullan R. Bower | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Hudson E. Inman | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Evan R. Boime | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Hudson R. May | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $500.00 |
Aidan T. Bowen | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Donald C. Dilley, Jr. Scholarship Award | $2,000.00 |
Harrison Coorey | Alpha | Emory University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Brandon Brodwater | Alpha-Epsilon | University of Pennsylvania | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Ethan J. Hensyel | Beta-Tau | Baker University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Taylor Hopkin | Delta | Davidson College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Daniel F. Schettini | Delta-Nu | University of California, Los Angeles | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Tejsai Tagore | Epsilon-Epsilon | The University of British Columbia | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
McKay P. Kinsey | Epsilon-Theta | University of California, Santa Barbara | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Nicholas McCurrach | Gamma-Delta | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Richard Guang | Gamma-Pi | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Joseph T. Roy | Gamma-Zeta | New York University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Abraham S. Cantu | Kappa-Epsilon | The University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jacob B. Nichols | Kappa-Upsilon | Clemson University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Avery M. Aquino | Lambda-Iota | Lyon College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Juan Diego Charlet Pons | Lambda-Kappa | Montana State University Billings | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Tyler Montgomery | Lambda-Nu | Appalachian State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jose E. Martinez | Lambda-Psi | St. Mary's University, Texas | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Adam Q. Ankel | Lambda-Sigma | James Madison University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Graham R. Mullins | Lambda-Tau | Baylor University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Colin Beatty | Mu | Washington and Lee University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Ben Robichaux | Mu-Omega | Southeastern Louisiana University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
James C. Oliver | Mu-Omicron | Louisiana State University in Shreveport | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Samuel Castaneda-Velasco | Mu-Upsilon | University of Northern Iowa | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Anthony Ferrare | Nu | College of William and Mary | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Carter G. Bushel | Nu-Alpha | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Braden V. Lewis | Nu-Kappa | University of Central Arkansas | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Adam J. Garcia | Nu-Tau | Stephen F. Austin State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Joshua P. McClay | Nu-Theta | Morehead State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Trentino A. Manco | Omicron-Epsilon | Adelphi University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Corbin G. Beard | Omicron-Gamma | Arkansas Tech University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Todd P. McGann | Omicron-Omicron | Kutztown, PA | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Joseph Sanchez-Montenegro | Omicron-Pi | Carleton University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Daniel Hudak, Jr. | Omicron-Sigma | Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Nathan M. Gibson | Omicron-Tau | University of Arkansas-Fort Smith | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Kenji G. Lopez | Omicron-Theta | Thompson Rivers University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Alex Vaught | Omikron | Emory & Henry College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Daniel F. Messar | Phi-Alpha | Ewing Township NJ | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Andrew J. Ferrara | Phi-Beta | Western New England University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Luke J. Wyvratt | Phi-Delta | Penn State Behrend | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Marlon D. Banner, III | Phi-Gamma | Cameron University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jacob Thomas | Pi-Epsilon | University of Houston | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Yussef O. Kano | Pi-Iota | California State University, Chico | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Henry Johnson | Pi-Kappa | Bentley University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jasir Burgess | Pi-Nu | Ramapo College of New Jersey | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Bobby J. Farr | Pi-Omega | Sacred Heart University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Joshua D. Perez | Pi-Phi | Brooklyn College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Kiernan A. Patton-Yarbrough | Pi-Psi | University of California, San Diego | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Aiden W. Ensor | Pi-Sigma | Salisbury University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Alex M. Ma | Rho-Delta | California State University, Northridge | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Trevor Gaynor | Rho-Kappa | California State University, Monterey Bay | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jack Rush | Rho-Pi | Young Harris College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Christopher J. Carrasco | Rho Prime | University of North Georgia | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Colby B. Lewis | Rho-Tau | Queens College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Rylee Westerfield | Rho-Theta | University of New Orleans | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Malakai J. Anderson | Rho-Xi | Eastern Kentucky University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Aidan Meagher | Rho-Zeta | Florida Gulf Coast University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Leo E. Lieberman | Sigma | Tulane University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Kiet Ha | Sigma-Alpha | Trinity College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Alperen Ulker | Sigma-Epsilon | Hunter College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Carson E. Neuer | Sigma-Eta | Central Michigan University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
John P. Cothren | Sigma-Gamma | Henderson State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Juan Pablo Linares | Sigma-Iota | St. Norbert College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Fisher M. Hallett | Sigma-Lambda | Christopher Newport University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Christopher T. Goode | Sigma-Omega | Santa Clara University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Ethan T. Hughson | Sigma-Phi | Campbell University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
David N. Bilotto | Sigma-Psi | Catholic University of America | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Alex Deters | Sigma-Rho | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
RJ Ward | Sigma-Theta | Old Dominion University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Mason O. Mallory | Sigma-Xi | West Florida | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Louie J. Mignone | Tau-Chi | Fairleigh Dickinson University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Diego Torres Partida | Tau-Delta | Pace University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Anthony P. Panissidi | Tau-Eta | University of Rhode Island | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Mazhu N. Van Nostrand | Tau-Iota | Farmingdale State College-State University of New York | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jake Cain | Tau-Kappa | Indiana University Southeast | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Luke N. Ritchie | Tau-Mu | Capital University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Craig A. Swick, Jr. | Tau-Nu | Marshall University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Lucas J. Route | Tau-Omega | Montclair State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jackson T. Nasse | Tau-Phi | Hartwick College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Luis C. Castillo | Tau-Pi | San Francisco State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Thomas P. Hayes | Tau-Psi | State University of New York at Fredonia | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Christopher Peña, Jr. | Tau-Sigma | Angelo State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Zachary D. Blank | Tau-Tau | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Yash Kerpal | Tau-Upsilon | York University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jacob Bowles | Tau-Xi | Bethel University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jesper R. Rydell | Theta-Epsilon | Portland State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Ivan Herrera | Upsilon-Beta | California State University, San Bernardino | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Robin S. Dragan | Upsilon-Chi | Gramercy University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Trevor E. Rains | Upsilon-Delta | Cheney, Washington | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Martin Varona Vasquez | Upsilon-Epsilon | Marist College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Micah J. Schubring | Upsilon-Eta | University of Wisconsin Green Bay | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Leroy Heard | Upsilon-Iota | Boca Raton, Florida | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Vinny Rodrigues | Upsilon-Lambda | State University of New York-Oneonta | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Kidus Yibas | Upsilon-Mu | City College of New York | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Thomas A. Stone | Upsilon-Nu | Eastern Connecticut State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Jacob R. Munnell | Upsilon-Omega | Tarleton State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Ronald R. Caraballo | Upsilon-Omicron | West Haven, Connecticut | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Joseph Berry | Upsilon-Phi | University of Guelph | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Mitchell S. Parsons | Upsilon-Pi | State University of New York at Oswego | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Gunnar E. Boughan | Upsilon-Psi | University of Missouri- Kansas City | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Maxim Moskalenko | Upsilon-Sigma | University of Massachusetts Boston | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Adam M. Roczniak | Upsilon-Tau | Merrimack College | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Alex K. Schons | Upsilon-Theta | Saint Leo University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Max Shepherd | Upsilon-Upsilon | Illinois State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Zachary T. Brey | Upsilon-Zeta | Middle Georgia State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Travis J. Fredrick | Xi-Iota | Columbus State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Noah C. Diciacca | Xi-Nu | University of Western Ontario | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Samuel E. Brandeberry | Xi-Omega | Idaho State University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Thomas E. Vest | Xi-Sigma | Western Carolina University | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Will Clemens | Zeta | University of Virginia | Endowment Fund Scholarship | $500.00 |
Tyler Koutros | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jackson Singer | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Sam Ogden | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Colin Meyer | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jett Rosi | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Kai Boeri | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
William Brundage | Alpha-Eta | The George Washington University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Maxwell R. Szykowny | Alpha-Gamma | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $950.00 |
Rod M. Hutcherson | Alpha-Iota | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Nathan Hampton | Alpha-Iota | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Sahil Patel | Alpha-Kappa | Cornell University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Devin J. MacBain | Alpha-Lambda | University of Vermont | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Christopher D. Gantt | Alpha-Nu | Wofford College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Alec C. Schrader | Alpha-Nu | Wofford College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Mawuli K. Nevis | Alpha-Pi | Wabash College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Blake Hibbs | Alpha-Psi | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Ian M. Moore | Alpha-Psi | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Matthew D. Ziemba | Alpha-Tau | Georgia Institute of Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Tamas C. Mester | Alpha-Tau | Georgia Institute of Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Nathan A. Fritchley | Alpha-Tau | Georgia Institute of Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Bailey D. Lupo | Alpha-Upsilon | Millsaps College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Jack E. Rhoades | Beta | The University of Alabama | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $800.00 |
Trevin Stevens | Beta-Beta | University of Richmond | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Ayush Garg | Beta-Beta | University of Richmond | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Eric Neuhaus | Beta-Beta | University of Richmond | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Jesus Lopez | Beta-Beta | University of Richmond | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Anthony Herrera | Beta-Beta | University of Richmond | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Henry Wilson | Beta-Chi | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Tyler Trueman | Beta-Chi | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Alec J. Brinkmann | Beta-Chi | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Luke Arias | Beta-Chi | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Andrew Apostol | Beta-Gamma | University of Missouri | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,000.00 |
Jackson D. Cabot | Beta-Kappa | University of New Hampshire | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Nicholas Bates | Beta-Kappa | University of New Hampshire | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Tyler L. Rush | Beta-Lambda | University of Georgia | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Anthony W. Jones | Beta-Lambda | University of Georgia | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Tommy J. Richard | Beta-Lambda | University of Georgia | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Patrick A. Rice | Beta-Lambda | University of Georgia | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
David J. Han | Beta-Lambda | University of Georgia | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Bradley T. Litsch | Beta-Lambda | University of Georgia | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Grayson A. Wong | Beta-Mu | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Kenshin W. Suzuki | Beta-Mu | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Henry Mann | Beta-Mu | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Tyler Davidowitz | Beta-Mu | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Oliver Hansen | Beta-Mu | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Kiran C. Patel | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
William J. Herman | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
John G. Hillebrand, V | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Cade A. Ostertag | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Henry T. Hegemann | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Chad Shakidih | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
George B. Solomon | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Andrew Sexton | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Gregory A. Sarceno | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Sam Morsman | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Brian P. Murphy | Beta-Nu | University of Kentucky | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
David M. Kertai | Beta-Psi | University of Washington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Elliot Katz | Beta-Psi | University of Washington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Taylor W. Kelly | Beta-Psi | University of Washington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Oliver F. Berton | Beta-Psi | University of Washington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Owen Onstad-Hargrave | Beta-Psi | University of Washington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Holden Swansiger | Beta-Psi | University of Washington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Colin Willoughby | Beta-Sigma | Washington University in St.Louis | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Thomas E. Horton | Beta-Theta | Indiana University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Evan R. Amazon | Beta-Theta | Indiana University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Noah B. Bakken | Beta-Theta | Indiana University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
John C. Czerwiec | Beta-Theta | Indiana University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jacob G. Follman | Beta-Theta | Indiana University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Clayton E. Furnish | Beta-Theta | Indiana University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Joshua E. Chung | Beta-Theta | Indiana University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Kalani N. Pavel | Beta-Zeta | Stanford University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Maddox de Bretteville | Beta-Zeta | Stanford University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Parthav Shergill | Beta-Zeta | Stanford University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Brennan Bower | Beta-Zeta | Stanford University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Andrew W. Sovik | Chi | Purdue University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Maverick J. Tebbe | Chi | Purdue University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Benjamin J. Wright | Chi | Purdue University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Vignesh Kareddy | Chi | Purdue University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Andrew Olson | Chi-Omega | University of South Carolina | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Drew Sich | Chi-Omega | University of South Carolina | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Andrew B. Antici | Delta-Chi | Mississippi State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Parker D. Kirby | Delta-Chi | Mississippi State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Logan A. Huff | Delta-Chi | Mississippi State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
John M. Fox | Delta-Chi | Mississippi State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Tyler A. Hersch | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Andrew M. Buschle | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Matthew B. Barrett | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Zee A. Nathan | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Vedant Garg | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Landon C. Decker | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Indy E. McClelland | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Charles H. Newstreet | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Matthew J. Goodman | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Matthew T. Actor | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
William J. Parker | Delta-Delta | University of Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Sachin A. Patel | Delta-Eta | University of Southern California | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Calvin Mattson | Delta-Eta | University of Southern California | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jordan Strathmann | Delta-Eta | University of Southern California | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Alexander B. Hill | Delta-Eta | University of Southern California | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Daniel A. Dorantes | Delta-Eta | University of Southern California | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Gavin Roberts | Delta-Eta | University of Southern California | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Shane J. Censullo | Delta-Gamma | University of Wyoming | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,500.00 |
Nicolas Little | Delta-Lambda | Montana State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Isaac B. McKenzie | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Presley O. Costa | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Thomas A. Ruvo | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Kyle J. Igo | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Joseph B. Roscoe | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Brock L. Martini | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Haiden A. Huschka | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Cole E. Korfist | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
John J. Lloyd | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Gabriel A. Murray | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Santiago J. Echevarria-Robinson | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Stephen G. Campbell | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Jackson L. Rensch | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
David J. Willmert | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Theodore J. Czech | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Cole J. Cummins | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Adam C. Hohweiler | Delta-Mu | University of North Dakota | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Nicholas Downing Hancock | Delta-Pi | Southern Methodist University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Aiden Johnson | Delta-Pi | Southern Methodist University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Daniel Discenza | Delta-Pi | Southern Methodist University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Brett M. Chumley | Delta-Pi | Southern Methodist University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
William Bullock | Delta-Pi | Southern Methodist University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Ethan W. Timms | Delta-Psi | Michigan State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $800.00 |
Zac S. Moulios | Delta-Sigma | The University of Utah | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jackson W. Richards | Delta-Sigma | The University of Utah | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Michael G. Flores | Delta-Sigma | The University of Utah | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Bryce L. Hackworth | Delta-Sigma | The University of Utah | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Hayden W. Hammett | Delta-Xi | University of Mississippi | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Mitchell Schruff | Delta-Xi | University of Mississippi | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Buchanan Cook | Delta-Xi | University of Mississippi | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
William Harger | Delta-Xi | University of Mississippi | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
John Howald | Delta-Xi | University of Mississippi | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Rein T. Behlke | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jose M. Garcia | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Samuel A. Chavez | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Isaiah M. Lopez | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Angelo L. Ragland | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Noah M. Lopez | Delta-Zeta | University of New Mexico | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Stanley R. Melton | Epsilon | Centenary College of Louisiana | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Ronald B. Thompson | Epsilon-Eta | Bowling Green State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Reese C. Shull | Epsilon-Eta | Bowling Green State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Barro Massad | Epsilon-Gamma | Louisiana Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Dustin M. Deville | Epsilon-Gamma | Louisiana Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Luis E. Salazar, II | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Zachary T. Gray | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Grayson D. Migliore | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Mark L. Zatopek | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Lane A. Spyers | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jameson P. Mullaney | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Maximiliano R. Lopez | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Ethan K. Stubblefield | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Matthew B. Burgdorf | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Elliot T. Janway | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Thomas B. Enberg | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Charles E. Kronfeld | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Barrett M. Agnew | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Kriztien G. Slackter | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Blake T. Johnson | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Alexander S. Lancia | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Austin J. Eckstein | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Ethan N. Forti | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Emmitt M. Brown | Epsilon-Mu | The University of Tulsa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Lawrence R. Marks | Epsilon-Nu | University of Southern Mississippi | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Alexander M. Seghini | Epsilon-Nu | University of Southern Mississippi | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Garrett Reid | Epsilon-Omega | Georgia State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Amal Pushp | Epsilon-Omega | Georgia State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Luke P. Kivett | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jared J. Kivett | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Favin J. Arreola | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Brayden L. Heath | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jayden M. Johnson | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Nicholas J. Pascuzzi | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Logan B. Crider | Epsilon-Phi | Texas Tech University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
John R. Hubbert | Epsilon-Pi | University of Memphis | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Chandler P. Black | Epsilon-Pi | University of Memphis | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Daniel J. Wilkinson | Epsilon-Pi | University of Memphis | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Michael E. Liccardi | Epsilon-Rho | Kent State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Cam J. Strichko | Epsilon-Rho | Kent State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Jacob K. Smith | Epsilon-Rho | Kent State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Dillon H. Webber | Epsilon-Sigma | Florida State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
David M. Marblestone | Epsilon-Sigma | Florida State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Lucas C. Curtis | Epsilon-Tau | California State University, Fresno | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Chase B. Saba | Epsilon-Upsilon | University of North Texas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,000.00 |
Matthew Gunn | Eta | Randolph-Macon College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Carson R. Conner | Eta | Randolph-Macon College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Eli Shortress | Gamma | Louisiana State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Carson P. Smith | Gamma | Louisiana State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
James Spencer | Gamma | Louisiana State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Carter F. Elie | Gamma | Louisiana State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
William Read | Gamma | Louisiana State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Alex Goldberg | Gamma | Louisiana State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Ethan F. Klopert | Gamma-Alpha | University of Oregon | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Mio Demichele | Gamma-Alpha | University of Oregon | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Charles J. Kuenzi | Gamma-Chi | Kansas State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Braydon T. Miller | Gamma-Chi | Kansas State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Maximum R. Franz | Gamma-Gamma | Colorado School of Mines | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Nicholas A. Drexler | Gamma-Gamma | Colorado School of Mines | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Corbin M. Graham | Gamma-Lambda | Iowa State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Braydon Burds | Gamma-Lambda | Iowa State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Luiz A. Alcantara | Gamma-Nu | Washburn University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Andrew J. Swerczek | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Samuel T. Levy | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Andrew R. Guinan | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Tanner E. Bailly | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Oliver K. Nguyen | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Adam J. Spizman | Gamma-Omicron | University of Kansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Bryston F. Sneed | Gamma-Psi | Oklahoma State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Kristofer-Andrew E. McKinley | Gamma-Psi | Oklahoma State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jacob A. Griffin | Gamma-Psi | Oklahoma State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Wade A. Jensen | Gamma-Psi | Oklahoma State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
John R. Svoboda | Gamma-Rho | University of Arizona | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Ryan W. Clark | Gamma-Rho | University of Arizona | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Thomas L. Forand | Gamma-Rho | University of Arizona | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Aaron J. Brown | Gamma-Rho | University of Arizona | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Charles T. Shadid | Gamma-Rho | University of Arizona | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Matias E. Borja | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Frank Elsener | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Conner M. Swaney | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Raine Melby | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Mason Mitchell | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Christopher E. Basile | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Andrew J. Buffaloe | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Neil A. Fernandez | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Maguire Martius | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Cameron Engels | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Austin C. Vanderkin | Gamma-Sigma | Oregon State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Maximilian P. Zueger | Gamma-Tau | University of Colorado Boulder | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Tyler Smith | Gamma-Tau | University of Colorado Boulder | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Luk Marter | Gamma-Tau | University of Colorado Boulder | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Cole Schoen | Gamma-Tau | University of Colorado Boulder | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Urban B. Hurtado | Gamma-Theta | University of Idaho | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Sanjin Hadzic | Gamma-Upsilon | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Sebastian K. Teasdale | Gamma-Upsilon | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Kush K. Soni | Gamma-Upsilon | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Jonathon R. Fischer | Gamma-Upsilon | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
William A. Gause | Gamma-Xi | Denison University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
J. W. Gimbel, V | Gamma-Xi | Denison University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Connor C. Kratzert | Gamma-Xi | Denison University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jeremy E. Harper | Iota | Southwestern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Alexander L. Peters | Kappa | Vanderbilt University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Joshua N. Kwon | Kappa | Vanderbilt University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Eli A. Abdou | Kappa | Vanderbilt University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Ari Berliner | Kappa | Vanderbilt University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Rafa Anargyrou | Kappa | Vanderbilt University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Emmett Kappesser | Kappa | Vanderbilt University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Miles A. Tankovich | Kappa-Delta | University of South Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Kyle N. Coop | Kappa-Delta | University of South Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Berkay E. Ozgen | Kappa-Eta | Widener University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Joshua L. Cunningham | Kappa-Eta | Widener University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Connor J. Byrne | Kappa-Eta | Widener University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Christopher Cori, Jr. | Kappa-Eta | Widener University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Scott C. O'Donnell | Kappa-Eta | Widener University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Justin Le | Kappa-Gamma | Northern Arizona University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Bryce Blalock | Kappa-Kappa | Georgia Southwestern State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Justin M. Reese | Kappa-Lambda | Shippensburg University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $850.00 |
Kanin T. Shull | Kappa-Mu | Tennessee Technological University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Hadyn E. Wendzicki | Kappa-Mu | Tennessee Technological University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Brady Axtell | Kappa-Rho | Boise State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $850.00 |
Damion D. Hartle | Kappa-Theta | Indiana University of Pennsylvania | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Joseph M. Corricelli | Kappa-Theta | Indiana University of Pennsylvania | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Kevin Green, Jr. | Kappa-Zeta | Georgia Southern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Michael R. Neuhoff | Lambda | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Campbell A. Smith | Lambda | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Thomas McCartney | Lambda | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Sullivan F. Vanderveen | Lambda | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Troy D. Gladden | Lambda-Epsilon | University of Central Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Cooper R. Welsh | Lambda-Epsilon | University of Central Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Evan B. Kauffman | Lambda-Epsilon | University of Central Florida | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Ian S. McGowan | Lambda-Gamma | Jacksonville State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Christian B. Goldsmith | Lambda-Gamma | Jacksonville State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Evan J. Connelly | Lambda-Gamma | Jacksonville State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Wesley J. LeBlanc | Lambda-Pi | Delta State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Dylan T. Koressel | Lambda-Pi | Delta State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Sean M. English | Lambda-Pi | Delta State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Jacob C. Tipton | Lambda-Xi | Georgia College and State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Jackson M. Paulk | Lambda-Xi | Georgia College and State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Rhett W. Wheeler | Lambda-Xi | Georgia College and State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Alexander L. Cobb | Lambda-Xi | Georgia College and State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Jason R. Jones | Lambda-Zeta | Virginia Commonwealth University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Arshan A. Harizavi | Mu-Delta | University of California, Irvine | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Kyle Hampton | Mu-Eta | University of Louisville | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
John A. Hinrichs | Mu-Gamma | Texas A&M University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Amish Kadakia | Mu-Gamma | Texas A&M University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Adrian I. Cervantes | Mu-Iota | Gallaudet University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Bryan Raffa | Mu-Iota | Gallaudet University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Fabricio A. Flores | Mu-Iota | Gallaudet University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Maxton E. Heise | Mu-Lambda | University of Calgary | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Wilson T. Bruns | Mu-Rho | Missouri State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Grant C. Routh | Mu-Zeta | University of North Carolina at Wilmington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Logan Takalo | Mu-Zeta | University of North Carolina at Wilmington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jacob Holland | Nu-Iota | Rowan University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Dylan J. Michell | Nu-Lambda | California State University, Sacramento | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Meilong G. Ahearn | Nu-Lambda | California State University, Sacramento | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Brendan Dalton | Nu-Omicron | The University of Texas at Dallas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Brayden A. Strickland | Nu-Phi | Northeastern State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Justin B. Ensminger | Nu Prime | Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $900.00 |
Luke J. Bisesi | Nu-Psi | University of Cincinnati | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Nelson J. Durocher II | Omicron-Chi | Nicholls State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Adrian Sanchez | Omicron-Omega | California State University, Stanislaus | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Adan T. Maldonado | Omicron-Omega | California State University, Stanislaus | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
David J. Estes | Omicron-Phi | Washington College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Alexander R. Hall | Omicron-Phi | Washington College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Zachary M. Byrne | Omicron-Rho | University of Michigan-Flint | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Zac D. Crawford | Omicron-Rho | University of Michigan-Flint | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jackson S. Hamm | Omicron-Rho | University of Michigan-Flint | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Philip G. De Waart | Omicron-Zeta | The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Evan A. AIden | Omicron-Zeta | The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Gabriel J. Schiller | Pi-Eta | Missouri Southern State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $850.00 |
Xander D. Hull | Pi-Rho | The University of Akron | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $650.00 |
Brendan C. Soler | Pi-Xi | Colorado State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $800.00 |
Michael E. Flaherty | Psi | University of Maine | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Carter J. Cleary | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Aiman Zarghampour | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Cole S. Solis | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Aidan M. Cox | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Seamus Busby | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Andrew D. Goldstein | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Mason R. Davis | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Matt Peters | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Anthony K. Gutierrez | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Andrew MacDonald | Rho | Arizona State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Devlin E. Stein | Rho-Omega | Stevens Institute of Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Adam V. Moszczynski | Rho-Omega | Stevens Institute of Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Matthew F. Ruzich | Rho-Omega | Stevens Institute of Technology | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Argey J. Gonzalez Tellez | Rho-Omicron | University of California, Merced | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Hajin Park | Rho-Omicron | University of California, Merced | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Tristin T. Thant | Rho-Omicron | University of California, Merced | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Christopher J. Catalano | Rho-Sigma | St. John's University-Staten Island | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $850.00 |
Ethan J. Sroufe | Sigma-Mu | Colorado Mesa University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Zonglin Li | Sigma-Upsilon | University of California, Riverside | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Michael C. Wisniewski | Sigma-Zeta | Northwood University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Preston B. Jong | Tau | The University of Texas at Austin | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Aidan A. Frazier | Tau | The University of Texas at Austin | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
James L. Donnell | Tau | The University of Texas at Austin | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Joe C. Annoura | Tau | The University of Texas at Austin | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Tristan S. Zheng | Tau | The University of Texas at Austin | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Angel Barboza | Tau-Gamma | University of Nevada, Reno | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Luke M. Fregoso | Tau-Omicron | California State University San Marcos | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $800.00 |
Zack Overton | Tau-Zeta | Arkansas State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Thomas W. Vanderslice, Jr. | Theta | Texas Christian University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Ian C. Stinneford | Theta | Texas Christian University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Gibson W. Smith | Theta | Texas Christian University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Kristofer Sandoval | Theta-Beta | California State University, Long Beach | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Aidan D. Sherry | Theta-Beta | California State University, Long Beach | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Lucas J. Amberg | Theta-Beta | California State University, Long Beach | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Gavin T. Smith | Theta-Beta | California State University, Long Beach | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Garrett C. Darden | Theta-Chi | University of Louisiana at Monroe | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $700.00 |
Hriday H. Raj | Theta-Delta | Willamette University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $3,050.00 |
Caspian Grabowski | Theta-Eta | University of Arkansas at Little Rock | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Brayden A. Wylie | Theta-Gamma | Midwestern State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Juan C. Prieto | Theta-Gamma | Midwestern State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Osiris L. Zamudio Jr | Theta-Iota | San Jose State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $750.00 |
Peyton Y. Abdelbaki | Theta-Lambda | Texas State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Cade Helton | Theta-Lambda | Texas State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Caleb D. Shriver | Theta-Nu | Ashland University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Kayin M. McDonald | Theta-Nu | Ashland University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Sean Q. Rhodes | Theta-Nu | Ashland University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Ryan J. Baxter | Theta-Nu | Ashland University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Kolton R. DeLeon | Theta-Omega | The University of Texas at Arlington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Ishan Poudel | Theta-Omega | The University of Texas at Arlington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Preston J. Richardson | Theta-Omega | The University of Texas at Arlington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Aditya Simanggaida | Theta-Omega | The University of Texas at Arlington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Aditya K. Birla | Theta-Omega | The University of Texas at Arlington | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Denver K. Kosch | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Caleb M. Simpson | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Noah E. DeHainaut | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Chad J. Love | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Samuel Shoults | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Hunter D. Heck | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Blake N. Turano | Theta-Omicron | Muskingum University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Brett T. Poirier | Theta-Pi | East Carolina University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Avery G. Best | Theta-Pi | East Carolina University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Noah G. Walker | Theta-Pi | East Carolina University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Alexander E. Wilson | Theta-Pi | East Carolina University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Cameron A. Fisher | Theta Prime | Cumberland University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $850.00 |
Anthony Giordano | Theta-Psi | Oklahoma City University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Garrett Grantz | Theta-Psi | Oklahoma City University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Drew N. Brown | Theta-Rho | McNeese State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
John M. Downer | Theta-Rho | McNeese State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Tyler W. Challis | Theta-Rho | McNeese State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Chandler B. Lacour | Theta-Rho | McNeese State University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Hayden J. Lasley | Theta-Theta | Western Kentucky University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jonathan T. Schaefer | Theta-Theta | Western Kentucky University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Caleb A. Tally | Theta-Theta | Western Kentucky University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Jesse L. Banales | Theta-Theta | Western Kentucky University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Emmett J. Jones | Theta-Upsilon | Miami University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Mark M. Colavita | Theta-Upsilon | Miami University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Luke R. Hastings | Theta-Upsilon | Miami University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Harris E. Brotman | Theta-Upsilon | Miami University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Joseph T. Langeman | Theta-Xi | Trine University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Ethan M. Lewis | Theta-Xi | Trine University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Marshall L. Beebe | Theta-Xi | Trine University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Andy R. Gilliam | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Tyler D. Betts | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Ebenezer K. Aborah | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Adan C. Carrillo | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Tyler J. Eslick | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Aidan F. Etsitty | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
John M. Taigaafi | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Adam B. Aguirre | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Isaiah M. Duty | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Noah M. Gallegos | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Kayden W. Cones | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Zachory B. Tebay | Theta-Zeta | Eastern New Mexico University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $1,050.00 |
Thomas B. Gates | Upsilon | Hampden-Sydney College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Michael Leone | Upsilon | Hampden-Sydney College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Stuart Kyle | Upsilon | Hampden-Sydney College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Josiah Worley | Upsilon | Hampden-Sydney College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Christopher R. Arp | Upsilon-Kappa | West Long Branch, New Jersey | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Samson G. Parker | Xi | University of Arkansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Janson A. Sanders | Xi | University of Arkansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Norman A. Zaffater, III | Xi | University of Arkansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Carson A. Sanders | Xi | University of Arkansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Tyler J. Dory | Xi | University of Arkansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
James T. Hill | Xi | University of Arkansas | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Pedro Laudino | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
James Wang | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Giacomo Bonetti | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Alexander C. LeBlanc | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Justin M. Vecchiarelli | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Kasey M. Chopra | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Kyle B. Azzaretto | Xi-Beta | Northeastern University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Richard Adewusi | Xi-Delta | The University of Texas at San Antonio | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $550.00 |
Austin C. Siko | Xi-Epsilon | Thiel College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Zackery J. Welker | Xi-Epsilon | Thiel College | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $500.00 |
Faiz Y. Shaikh | Xi-Rho | Stockton University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Jackson L. Hubert | Xi-Rho | Stockton University | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $600.00 |
Ryan C. Harris | Xi-Upsilon | Texas A&M University-Commerce | Chapter Scholarship Fund Awards | $950.00 |