Kappa Sigma Heritage Society

Making a Difference Through Planned Giving


The Heritage Society of Kappa Sigma was established in 1993 for the purpose of providing an opportunity for Brothers to make planned gifts to the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund to make planned gifts that will benefit generations of Brothers yet to come. These gifts are made by Brothers in their Will in the form of cash gifts, stock, property, or in insurance policies.

Gifts to the Heritage Society have been made to support scholarships to undergraduate leaders and scholars, educational programs, and educational facilities and resources at our International Headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia. Planned gifts to the Endowment Fund can be tailored to the desire and interest of the Brother, making the gift that will leave an important legacy for the betterment of our undergraduate Brothers and Chapters and the fraternity in general by helping these Brothers to complete their education, development and in helping prepare them for their future.

For more information or questions, please contact Mitchell B. Wilson at the International Headquarters at [email protected] or by calling 434-249-3021.  A brochure on the Heritage Society can be found here.

Brothers, your planned gift today will benefit future generations of our undergraduates and continue to build the programs and scholarships that will make a significant difference in the continued success of the Order.  

Mitchell B. Wilson
Executive Director
Kappa Sigma Fraternity