Jackson’s Men

Roll of Jackson’s Men

Stephen Alonzo Jackson is regarded as possibly the most important man in Kappa Sigma’s history. Through his singular ambition, while a student at the University of Virginia to transform a struggling local fraternity into a strong national organization, Jackson fashioned our Ritual, wrote the Constitution, and was elected our first Worthy Grand Master.

“His love of the Fraternity knew no bounds, and his enthusiasm was so contagious that it influenced everybody who came within his reach.”

Francis Nelson Barksdale, 1873,
University of Virginia
(brother of Stephen Alonzo Jackson)

The Beginning


Born September 22, 1851, this esteemed forefather was left motherless in infancy and was raised by his grandmother. During the Fraternity’s second Grand Conclave in 1878, Jackson expressed his idea of an enduring and expanding brotherhood as he address the Order: “May we not rest contently until the Star and Crescent is the pride of every college and university in the land,” and to that end Jackson worked day and night to the end of his busy life.

Jackson’s Men is the Endowment Fund’s most popular and innovative giving recognition program. A percentage of all donations received to this program will go to your chapter scholarship fund. The seven-tier program honors contributors committing to gifts between $1,000 and $50,000, payable at once or over time. Upon completion of the pledge, each of Jackson’s Men receives a handsome, individually numbered pin that represents his unique emulation of Jackson’s lifelong devotion to Kappa Sigma.

Consider pledging to become one of Jackson’s Men today to help continue the tradition of excellence of Kappa Sigma and support for your chapter.

A percentage of your pledge will be directly allocated to your chapter scholarship fund. To upgrade your current Jackson’s Men pledge, please contact Bradley Bailey at (434) 288-1330.

Become one of Jackson’s Men Today!


If you would like to sign up to become One of Jackson’s Men, please complete the online form below, or you can mail a check to the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund, at 1610 Scottsville Rd Charlottesville, VA 22902. 

If you would like to upgrade your current level Jackson’s Man, please contact the Endowment Fund at (434) 288-1330 or email [email protected], and they will be happy to help you set up your pledge and payment terms. 

Sapphire Level Jackson’s Men

Recognition NamePreferred ChapterPreferred UniversityJackson's Man Number
Thomas P. Bishop, Esq. Alpha-Beta Mercer University 9
Kevin S. Kaplan Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 13
Todd R. Wagner Beta-Theta Indiana University 70
Lionel L. de la Houssaye, Jr. Theta-Rho McNeese State University 100
Jody L. Bailey Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 922
Toby H. Taylor Epsilon-Psi The University of Memphis Lambuth 1474
Hugh M. Robert, Esq. Epsilon-Mu The University of Tulsa 1533
Gregory A. Hopeman Epsilon-Mu The University of Tulsa 1599
Kevin K. Amburgy Theta-Nu Ashland University 1627
Nicholas E. Snowberger Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 1756
Paul E. Boaden Theta-Delta Willamette University 1807
Michael L. Benson Xi-Beta Northeastern University 2040
Brett O. Socha Lambda-Gamma Jacksonville State University 2729
Martin C. Petersen Rho Arizona State University 2736
Cary E. Vaughn Epsilon-Psi The University of Memphis Lambuth 3044
Gabriel F. Rodriguez Rho-Omicron University of California, Merced 3129
Connor Wright Patman, Jr. Theta Texas Christian University 5090
Jay E. Chatham Theta-Omega The University of Texas at Arlington 5180
Erik F. Yassenoff Alpha-Eta The George Washington University 5319
Daniel H. Lumma Beta-Chi Missouri University of Science and Technology 5506
Thomas F. Brown Gamma-Xi Denison University 5673

Opal Level Jackson’s Men

Recognition NamePreferred ChapterPreferred UniversityJackson's Man Number
Donal L. McClamroch, Jr. Eta Randolph-Macon College 7
Robert A. Dobson, III Chi-Omega University of South Carolina 51
Barton H. Kogan Alpha-Eta The George Washington University 87
Col. Ronald J. Webb, USAF (Ret.) Beta-Theta Indiana University 98
Joseph G. Kovacevich, Jr. Theta-Beta California State University, Long Beach 101
William J. Price, Jr. Theta-Pi East Carolina University 108
H. Phillip Bell IV Lambda-Xi Georgia College and State University 131
Blanding U. Jones Alpha-Nu Wofford College 210
Brett B. Trembly Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 333
Burton R. Trembly Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 334
Paul H. Gamble Lambda-Epsilon University of Central Florida 616
Matthew M. Fisher Theta-Delta Willamette University 851
William D. Dorsey Epsilon-Phi Texas Tech University 973
Honorable Robert J. Dole Gamma-Omicron University of Kansas 1361
Daric A. Garbutt Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 1389
Ernest L. Betz, Jr. Epsilon-Psi The University of Memphis Lambuth 1394
Nicholas S. Hagen Rho Arizona State University 1402
H. Howell Taylor, Jr. Delta-Omega Wake Forest University 1434
Richard "Rich" S. Johnson Beta-Beta University of Richmond 1504
Jeffrey S. McKenzie Xi-Lambda University of Delaware 1602
Justin A. Hansen Xi-Beta Northeastern University 1763
Michael R. Hall Xi-Beta Northeastern University 1765
Gregory S. Hunt Beta-Upsilon North Carolina State University 1889
Adam J. Merillat Epsilon-Mu The University of Tulsa 1918
Patrick J. Corr, Jr. Xi-Epsilon Thiel College 2030
Philip J. Hetu Nu-Epsilon New Mexico State University 2148
Kyle R. Snyder Pi-Omicron University of Colorado Colorado Springs 2749
Travis L. Mann Rho-Zeta Florida Gulf Coast University 2911
Robert A. Lowe Alpha-Zeta University of Michigan 3165
Brandon Y. Leung Gamma-Upsilon Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 3570
Alexandro Perez-Tovar Rho-Omicron University of California, Merced 3880
L. Saxon Dasher, III Epsilon-Omega Georgia State University 4379
Howard B. Foltz Beta-Iota Lehigh University 4398
Lanier S. Dasher, Jr. Delta-Delta University of Florida 4538
Austin L. Webb Tau-Omicron California State University San Marcos 4728
James A. Lewis Theta-Upsilon Miami University 5042
Steven R. Rabago Theta-Beta California State University, Long Beach 5107
Roger D. Baird Beta-Nu University of Kentucky 5787

Diamond Level Jackson’s Men

Recognition NamePreferred ChapterPreferred UniversityJackson's Man Number
Dr. John W. Ryan Delta-Sigma The University of Utah 2
Brian J. O'Dwyer, Esq. Alpha-Eta The George Washington University 3
Mitchell B. Wilson Beta-Nu University of Kentucky 5
Charles B. Whiteside, III Xi University of Arkansas 11
David W. Persky Delta-Pi Southern Methodist University 12
Wallace W. Baumann Lambda The University of Tennessee, Knoxville 18
Willard F. Rockwell, Jr. Alpha-Delta Pennsylvania State University 36
Bradley D. Bracken Epsilon-Upsilon University of North Texas 66
John M. Hines, Sr. Lambda-Zeta Virginia Commonwealth University 130
Chris G. Hubner Nu-Omega University of Tampa 182
Stephen C. Rogers Xi-Upsilon East Texas A&M University 229
Adam Brown Gamma-Kappa The University of Oklahoma 351
John Haden Hughes Delta-Chi Mississippi State University 444
James W. Stuckert Beta-Nu University of Kentucky 763
Nicholas A. Gallicchio Xi-Upsilon East Texas A&M University 773
William K. Retzer Gamma-Sigma Oregon State University 795
George L. Dickson Theta-Omicron Muskingum University 968
C.P.A.C. Reynolds Epsilon-Omega Georgia State University 1069
James H. Levine Xi-Lambda University of Delaware 1124
F. Read Clarke Lambda-Mu Southern New Hampshire University 1134
D. Michael Evans Epsilon-Alpha University of Alberta 1194
John M. Neal, Jr. Lambda-Pi Delta State University 1248
J. Thomas Gee Gamma-Omicron University of Kansas 1255
John F. Hodecker Gamma-Sigma Oregon State University 1294
Philip L. Thames Theta-Gamma Midwestern State University 1337
Robert William W. Thorpe AICP Alpha-Psi University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1400
Michael P. Carruthers Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 1405
Jeremy G. Jackson Delta-Pi Southern Methodist University 1407
George J. Garro Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 1415
David E. Durovy Alpha-Tau Georgia Institute of Technology 1438
Adam S. Apatoff Epsilon-Beta University of Miami 1461
Todd S. Hopkins Lambda-Phi Sam Houston State University 1479
Michael B. Sharpe Tau The University of Texas at Austin 1499
Tip Johnston Delta-Chi Mississippi State University 1541
Steven M. Fullmer Theta-Delta Willamette University 1548
J. Scott DeLillo Theta-Zeta Eastern New Mexico University 1579
Paul H. Becker, Jr. Theta-Omicron Muskingum University 1640
Kirk M. Chewning Delta-Psi Michigan State University 1650
Christopher A. Cooley Epsilon-Tau California State University, Fresno 1668
Daniel J. Tierney Theta-Nu Ashland University 1716
Howard E. Wilson Nu-Tau Stephen F. Austin State University 1827
Brad A. Powell Epsilon-Gamma Louisiana Tech University 1895
Daryn D. DeCesare Xi-Beta Northeastern University 1961
Brian D. Hercliff-Proffer Omicron-Rho University of Michigan-Flint 2085
Robert A. Bethea Delta-Alpha Carnegie Mellon University 2122
Michael M. Palmer Lambda-Xi Georgia College and State University 2126
Robert J. Ranley Xi-Beta Northeastern University 2211
Ryan Hicks Lambda-Omicron University of North Alabama 2376
David M. Swan Lambda-Phi Sam Houston State University 2395
Justin B. Jones Xi-Upsilon East Texas A&M University 2399
Beau S. Kent Gamma-Tau University of Colorado Boulder 2423
David I. Bindel Nu-Omicron The University of Texas at Dallas 2443
Joshua E. Grossman Nu-Lambda California State University, Sacramento 2538
Jason B. Moon Xi-Theta Valdosta State University 2607
Sean C. Longwood Kappa-Gamma Northern Arizona University 2637
William P. Lynch Pi-Eta Missouri Southern State University 2642
Kyle A. DeVivo Alpha-Lambda University of Vermont 2754
Christopher D. Smith Lambda-Pi Delta State University 2767
Aaron R. Krochmal Delta-Tau Union College 2769
Ryan T. Staten Mu-Eta University of Louisville 2810
Jake I. Vitrofsky Gamma-Delta University of Massachusetts Amherst 3125
Tony D. Weiss Kappa-Beta Indiana State University 3133
P. Bryon Coleman Epsilon-Upsilon University of North Texas 3177
Philip H. Paasch Gamma-Sigma Oregon State University 3214
Leung T. Lee-Wilson Omicron-Zeta The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa 3473
Matthew P. Gomez Pi-Upsilon Academy of Art University 3599
Michael E. Gardner Gamma-Chi Kansas State University 3603
Jacob J. Wilson Kappa-Mu Tennessee Technological University 3633
Roy W. Page Mu-Zeta University of North Carolina at Wilmington 3757
Adam T. Poe Kappa-Mu Tennessee Technological University 3769
Murat M. Akaydin Sigma-Epsilon Hunter College 3808
Darrell T. Herrington Theta-Omega The University of Texas at Arlington 3821
Jonathan P. Marcinko Xi-Epsilon Thiel College 3857
Zackery A. Neal Sigma-Mu Colorado Mesa University 3866
James E. Rivera Epsilon-Phi Texas Tech University 3897
Douglas E. Bowen Theta-Epsilon Portland State University 4000
David M. Rohde Epsilon-Zeta University of Connecticut 4032
Robert H. Grant Delta-Eta University of Southern California 4121
Ronin A. Bennett-Von Der Osten Sacken Sigma-Mu Colorado Mesa University 4518
Timothy W. Beggs Theta-Delta Willamette University 4540
Douglas P. Guilbert Rho Arizona State University 4601
Craig T. Ireland Gamma-Psi Oklahoma State University 4612
Grant C. Campanelli Nu-Alpha California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 4647
Austin J. Wermers Pi-Beta Loyola Marymount University 4725
Henry D. Stanton Lambda-Pi Delta State University 4732
Philip Luis Villaverde Omicron-Phi Washington College 4780
Eric C. Mattoon Beta-Psi University of Washington 4842
Matthew J. Hawkins Kappa-Upsilon Clemson University 4844
Jeff J. Frane Delta-Mu University of North Dakota 4916
Allan C. Finnical Theta-Omicron Muskingum University 4964
J. Haynie Stringer Delta-Chi Mississippi State University 5098
Aaron J. Aubrecht Beta-Upsilon North Carolina State University 5100
Joe E. Shirley, D.D.S. Epsilon-Xi The University of Texas at El Paso 5101
Lawrence John Lloyd Psi University of Maine 5104
Christopher J. Lafond Epsilon-Zeta University of Connecticut 5131
Philip M. Salemi Delta-Xi University of Mississippi 5147
David L. Bowman Theta-Omicron Muskingum University 5156
Robert H. Evans Kappa-Mu Tennessee Technological University 5229
Charles W. Love, II Beta-Theta Indiana University 5373
Giuseppe Piccinini Theta-Gamma Midwestern State University 5385
Lee M. Batson Gamma-Sigma Oregon State University 5416
Jim A. Hyde Kappa-Iota Middle Tennessee State University 5515
Christopher J. Kana Gamma-Psi Oklahoma State University 5662
Robert Suozzi Epsilon-Mu The University of Tulsa 5889
CAPT Richard S. Ryan USN (Ret) Delta-Rho Franklin & Marshall College 6344