The Epsilon-Epsilon Chapter returned to the University of British Columbia on Saturday, October 25, 2014, with 59 men being initiated by four ritual teams. In addition to the 59 new initiates, the chapter had 11 Brothers already on its roster, bringing the total chapter size to 70 men. Worthy Grand Master Hugh M. Robert (Epsilon-Mu, University of Tulsa, ’95) attended the installation and represented the Supreme Executive Committee by delivering the keynote address at the chapter’s installation banquet. The chapter also proudly welcomed several Epsilon-Epsilon alumni to the re-chartering ceremonies.
Grand Master Prithvi Khanna led the chapter to installation with the assistance of his Executive Committee and the support of Alumnus Advisor Chris Sharpe (Epsilon-Epsilon, ’96) and Western Canada District Grand Master D. Michael Evans (Epsilon-Alpha, University of Alberta, ’82).
A special thanks goes out to the following chapters who sent ritual teams to the Epsilon-Epsilon installation:

  • Epsilon-Alpha (University of Alberta)
  • Epsilon-Epsilon Alumni Team (University of British Columbia)
  • Omicron-Theta (Thompson Rivers University)
  • Theta-Delta (Willamette University)

About the Epsilon-Epsilon Chapter
The Epsilon-Epsilon Chapter was originally founded on April 7, 1941. Since its founding, the chapter has initiated more than 1,400 Brothers. Follow the Epsilon-Epsilon Chapter via their Facebook and Twitter accounts.