

Scott Deweese
Lambda-Epsilon (University of Central Floriday) ’90
Captain, Air Defense Branch Chief, 1st BCD (Airborne), 18th Airborne Corps, Ft Bragg, NC

Opportunities And A Pledge

I owe all of my success to the opportunities that can only be found in the United States of America. On July 4th, 1776, our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honors to the founding of a nation where all were created equal and had the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
America was founded on high ideals and though we have never been perfect, equality, freedom and opportunity have always prevailed for those who are willing to work for it.

From Humble Beginnings

Almost 200 years after the founding of this great nation, my parents brought me home from the hospital after my birth. The address on my birth certificate is a trailer park outside of Newark, Ohio. My parents were both high school graduates who were raised by grammar school graduates and had limited means.
At no time during my childhood did I ever doubt that I would go to college and become the first to graduate and earn a degree on both my mother’s and father’s side of the family. To pay for this education, I worked, enlisted in the reserves and National Guard and joined Army ROTC.
My nation not only gave me the opportunity to obtain an education, but also paid for it, and afforded me the opportunity to lead some of America’s finest men and women as a commissioned Army officer for six years. That experience paved the way for the successful career that I have today.

To The Next Generation

Today, I am a husband and proud father of two very smart and talented high school daughters. I have the privilege of teaching them the importance of being a good citizen and what it really means to have the privilege of being an American. I teach them that despite the issues that divide our citizenry, America stands for freedom, equality and opportunity and is unmatched by any nation in history.