
2003 in Iraq with a captured Iraqi Republican Guard AK

Steve Thompson
Theta-Zeta ’88 (Eastern New Mexico)
Major, Army Reserves, 299th Engineer Company

Our Responsibility

We have a shared responsibility to nurture and defend the freedoms for which our forefathers fought.   My experience in the Army in Iraq makes me a combat veteran but it does not make me any more responsible than any one else for the freedoms we enjoy nor does it exempt me from my ongoing obligation in the future to promote and defend freedom. Always.

Our Obligation For American Freedom

Every American, no matter if they have worn the uniform or not, has an obligation to uphold freedom every day. We demonstrate our freedoms through the thousands of actions taken each day by Americans everywhere in the world; the example we set for having the right to pursue happiness and success, to exercise the free market, and to stand up for those who need help.

Our Forms Of Brotherhood

On this 239th anniversary of our Independence, I draw upon my Kappa Sigma experience that taught me and continues to teach me about brotherhood that, in its most basic form, is about the freedom to associate, the right to build on each others experiences for the betterment of all and to become a better man and citizen.  The pillars of our beloved fraternity – fellowship, leadership, scholarship and service – are the same pillars that have helped uphold our rights as Americans and our Kappa Sigma pursuit of those pillars is helping all of us to do our part to contribute to the freedoms we all enjoy.